How to alleviate Morning Sickness
It is a shame that that elation of finding out you are pregnant is overshadowed by feelings of nausea and actually having you head down the toilet!
No one really understands what causes morning sickness or why some women have it and others don't. It is believed to be triggered by hormonal changes that take place when a woman becomes pregnant.
There are
several natural ways to help reduce morning sickness including acupuncture, acupressure, sickness bands,
taking ginger, peppermint, eating bland foods and grazing rather than eating big
meals - and hypnotherapy.
As the Duchess of Cambridge is in the news with her second pregnancy - I wonder whether she will be again using hypnotherapy to alleviate morning sickness again?
It was reported last year that she was benefiting from hypnotherapy:
It was reported last year that she was benefiting from hypnotherapy:
'The hypnotherapy is taking away any negative thoughts connected with food from the morning sickness, and replacing them with cravings for healthy, nutritious food”
Stress plays a significant role in the onset of morning sickness. Hypnotherapy teaches us to relax at a level where your body is able to manage stress hormones and become focused on remaining calm. Suggestions help you to release tension and help you to maintain a relaxed mindset and in turn help to reduce morning sickness.
Hypnotherapy can help you to reframe thoughts about food and smells which trigger sickness - this will help you to control subconscious physically responses and allow you feel much better.
Hypnotherapy can help you to reframe thoughts about food and smells which trigger sickness - this will help you to control subconscious physically responses and allow you feel much better.
positive suggestions for overcoming morning sickness would include: better
quality sleep; more comfortable digestion; more effective use of energy;
feeling/being calmer when dealing with every day issues; and increasing water
Maggie Howell's 'Overcome morning sickness' CD/MP3 helps
pregnant women to deal with nausea and morning sickness through by listening to
the CD in their own home.
A survey carried out in conjunction with Pregnancy and Birth Magazine, found that 10 out of 10 mothers would recommend this CD to a friend and 9 out of 10 felt significant benefit from using it.
A survey carried out in conjunction with Pregnancy and Birth Magazine, found that 10 out of 10 mothers would recommend this CD to a friend and 9 out of 10 felt significant benefit from using it.