Thursday, 13 August 2015

Hypnobirthing is AMAZING!!!




Hypnobirthing on One Born Every Minute




Last night on Channel 4, One Born Every Minute gave Mums-to-be the chance to see how is it completely possible to have a calm and relaxing birth. I must admit One Born isn't my regular viewing, as I believe it fuels fear and reaffirms to women that the should be birthing on their back (This is not the case!).

An active birth can really help women have a quicker labour - if you think about it logically, you are working with gravity as opposed to 'pushing up hill' when on your back. Nadine demonstrated beautifully 'how it should be done' using Natal Hypnotherapy™ techniques. She used the birth ball demonstrating how gravity can help the baby gain an optimum position.

Unfortunately due to editing, not all of the techniques were shown on last nights program, but Nadine's birth was undeniably magical and empowering. Certainly when contrasted to other adrenaline fuelled births in the series. It would have been nice to see 321 relax in action, birth music and so on...

Birth Partner

Last nights episode of One Born focused on the importance of the birth partner. The people that a birthing women meets along the way is integral to her state of mind. Positive support can make all the difference. It was evident that all the birth partners on the show were very loving, but as one midwife stated it is difficult for a birth partner to know how he fits in...

Natal Hypnotherapy™ birth preparation dedicates an entire section to helping the Dad-to-be understand how he can be actively involved in birth and in essence - be useful! Nadine had a calm and peaceful water birth. Paul, her partner chose to get into the pool. That is personal choice - Natal Hypnotherapy™ never prescribes what should or shouldn't be done or, what you are or are not allowed to do. The course is focused around empowering the couple to have a positive experience and deal with labour and birth - no matter how it unfolds.

I hope that for any pregnant women that were viewing - that they are inspired to find out more about hypnobirthing. 

Calm & Contented Birthing

It is completely possible to have a positive birth experience. It is such a shame that in today's culture there is the expectation that birth is going to be a scary and horrendous ordeal. Birth is such a precious thing and in my personal opinion (and the 100,000's of women who have used Natal Hypnotherapy™) it can be a wonderful, bonding and empowering event for both Mum and Dad. Even the midwifery staff on the unit were effected by the magic of Natal Hypnotherapy™ - some almost baffled by Nadine's approach and the depth of her relaxed state and in tears at the beauty of the moment.

If you live in Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde or Preston Areas please click here for more information on Natal Hypnotherapy Workshops

Wishing you a Calm & Contented Birth Experience

Gemma x

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