Sugar Tax
It's looking as if the UK are going to be following in the footsteps of countries like Mexico that have already imposed a sugar tax in soft drinks. According to the BBC, the Commons’ Health Committee has said there was now ‘compelling evidence’ that a tax would reduce consumption. Increasing pressure is being placed on MP's to increase tax on sugar as well as target marketing and advertising - especially campaigns aimed at kids.No So Sweet
- "There has been growing concern about the damaging impact of sugar on health - from the state of people's teeth to type-2 diabetes and obesity
- Sugar has been dubbed "empty calories" because it has no nutritional benefit
- Government advisers recommend no more than 5% of daily calories should come from sugar
- That is about 1oz (25g) - six or seven teaspoons - for an adult of normal weight every day. For children, it is slightly less
- The limits apply to all sugars added to food, as well as sugar naturally present in syrups and honey
- To put this in context, a typical can of fizzy drink contains about nine teaspoons of sugar" BBC Online
But it tastes so good
It is believed that human beings crave sugar on a primal level and that in times gone by accessing sugar would have been essential to our survival. The problem is that in the modern world sugar is readily available at every petrol station, supermarket, cafe etc...It has also been found that in the short term sugar and fat can improve our mood (especially in women). Fuzzy feel-good hormones like serotonin are released into our blood stream giving us a high followed by a low. This low mood leads to the sugar craving and the damaging sugar cycle is in place.
Obviously the long term effects of eating too much fat and sugar lead to health problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes... and now also damaging your wallet!
Hypnotherapy for Sugar Addiction
The good news is hypnotherapy can help you to break the psychological cycle of comfort eating. Working with the subconscious mind: hypnotherapy can help you to find more constructive ways of dealing with the stresses of life.How many of us were rewarded with chocolate buttons for being a good girl! Hypnotherapy can reprogram this and you can learn that there are other more appropriate ways of rewarding yourself besides reaching for a bar of Dairy Milk!
How many sessions it takes is dependent on the individual. For some people there may be deep rooted reasons as to why you comfort eat and for this client a number of sessions may be required, but for others reaching for the biscuit tin has become a habit - which is possible to resolve in one or two sessions.
Make it your new years resolution to eat less sugar!