Monday, 24 June 2013

Blackpool Home & Hospital Birth

"Mother gave birth on her own bathroom floor after midwives said she was only in 'early stages' of labour"

This must have been such a shock. The couple were planning a hospital birth and they ended up facing an emergency situation. Completely unprepared and completely emotionally involved.

Immensely stressful and understandably upsetting.

I wanted to blog about this article because it sends three messages to pregnant women.

1. Trust your body
2. Birth can be unpredicatable
3. Planned home births and Unplanned home births are different things.

Trust your body


It is common practice to be sent home from hospital if you are in the early stages of labour. However, if you feel as if the baby is on his way - trust your body. Birth can progress really quickly for some women, especially it is a second or third baby.

The Father in this article said:

"Vanessa knew she was going into labour and I thought it was pretty obvious she was too - we’re experienced with pregnancies, especially since she’s already given birth to her two sons"

Birth can be unpredicatable


Expect the unexpected! Even the most experienced medical staff can be taken off guard. Without details it is difficult to know what 'actually' happened in this case. Mistakes may have been made. Or maybe it was the comfort & safety of returning home which accelerated the labour?

An ' unplanned home birth' isn't the same as a 'planned home birth'


At first read, this article may put women off home birth. There is a massive difference in having a planned home birth where your midwife is in agreement and all the necessary practicalities have been take care of and a unplanned home birth which takes everyone by surprise.

Perhaps more women should consider having a planned home birth for second babies. Things do tend to progress quicker second time around. In a comfortable environment, the labouring women is free to fully relax and doesn't have to contend with the worries of transfering to hospital. Instead, she is free to fully concentrate on making the most of each contraction.

Once contractions are regular or a home birthing mother feels like she needs the assistance of a midwife. The call is made. The midwife arrives. The birthing mother has the undivided attention of the midwife until her baby is born.

Mothers have a choice about where they have their babies.

Sometimes Mother Nature has a say too.

Article: Blackpool Unplanned Home Birth

Home Birth Rights UK

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