Thursday, 19 December 2013

5 Reasons to use Natal Hypnotherapy™

Natal Hypnotherapy™ Lancashire
1) It’s safe, natural and you can use it in your own time from the comfort of your own home

 2) Natal Hypnotherapy™ does not tell you how to birth your baby, your body already knows how to do that, what it does do is help you to let it. 
3) If all you seem to hear is awful stories and complaints around the topics of child birth and pregnancy and would like to hear something more inspiring and positive 

4) Help you look forward to the birth, be filled with excitement not dread!

5) In our book Effective Birth Preparation and in our workshops we explain why it is that some women have such positive experiences while others are left traumatised from birth, we will help you understand the difference and how Natal Hypnotherapy™ can help you have the birth you want!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Breastfeeding Rates and Birth Satisfaction

What does it mean to have birth satisfaction?

In a recent study, Spanish researchers have set out to assess a mothers satisfaction level in terms of labour and childbirth. The research concluded that the main factors that influenced satisfaction levels were:

- Vaginal Birth without epidural
- Presence of a family member for birth support
- Positive attitude of healthcare professionals
- Early Breastfeeding (within 24 hours of birth)


The principal author of this study is the University of Granada’s Professor of Nursing, Maria Jose Aguilar Cordero. She explains what the research means in terms of breastfeeding:

“the mother being happy or not during birth is related to the duration of breast-feeding. There is a greater percentage of mothers who are still breast-feeding after 3 months if they have been happy with the birth, compared to other mothers who were less satisfied with their delivery”.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Breastfeeding and Natural Birth

Natural Birth is a platform to successful breastfeeding.

If you are considering breastfeeding, please read the wonderful article by Judith A. Lothian. A natural or non-medicated birth absolutely provides the best platform for a mother and babies breastfeeding journey.

Of course, Mums that have medicated births are completely able to breastfeed successfully, but some drugs and procedures can inhibit the natural flow of birth and may interfere with the natural bonding and breastfeeding process. In a medicated birth, skin to skin bonding is of unequivocal importance helping with breastfeeding.

To highlight the key points in Lothians article:

1. Babies are naturally designed to feed from their mother's breast and women are designed with breasts to feed their children.

2. Medication can interfere with the cocktail of birthing hormones which are released at birth. This can mean both mother and baby are less alert at the time of birth - a crucial time for establishing the first feed.

3. Epidural may have neuro-behavioural effects on the baby - i.e. problems can occur with latching and coordination of sucking.

4. Instrumental birth (forceps/ventouse) can result in birth trauma which can impede breastfeeding.

5. Over zealous newborn care practices and separation of mum and baby at birth may result in interfering with the babies natural ability to root, suckle and feed.

Lothian says "Nature perfectly prepares the baby for breastfeeding. The baby is born competent and capable and ready to breastfeed. He instinctively roots and sucks. When placed skin-to-skin on his mother's chest, he instinctively crawls and self-attaches to her breast, in just the right way. He sees and smells, and these senses help guide him to the breast. When held in his mother's arms or placed skin-to-skin, he instinctively throws back his head and opens his mouth wide—the perfect positioning for an effective latch. Babies are born ready and eager to breastfeed....We are just beginning to understand and appreciate how women's bodies prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy, how what happens during labour and birth sets the stage for breastfeeding, and how the first minutes and hours after birth affect breastfeeding. The way the birth proceeds powerfully influences the first hours and days of breastfeeding. Normal, natural birth sets the stage for problem-free breastfeeding—what nature intended—while a complicated, intervention-intensive labour and birth set the stage for problems."

The Birth of a Breastfeeding Baby and Mother

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Supportive Birth Partner

Little Boy age 3 helps Mummy to give Birth

"Mum Sammy gave birth in the bathroom with just three-year-old son McKenzie helping out. And after bringing towels to wrap his new sister in, the quick-thinking toddler ran to get mum’s mobile phone to ring 999 and then unlocked the front door to let paramedics in."

Women are designed to give birth: Sometimes all we need, is to know that someone is there.

Birth Lancashire

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Fruity Dates for Pregnancy

Dates - Reducing the need for Induction...

The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 
concludes that "the consumption of date fruit in the last 4 weeks before labour significantly reduced the need for induction and augmentation of labour, and produced a more favourable, but non-significant, delivery outcome."

Evelyn Ojeda from the Peaceful Birth Project looks at the ancient wisdom of eating dates.

Eating Dates

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Cost of Antenatal Classes, Lancashire

How much would you be prepared to pay for an antenatal classes?

Christmas is coming. The pitter-patter of tiny feet on the way. You need to buy all the baby essentials. A pram, a cot, nappies, a car seat.

The Babycentre say that "The average family spends £3,000 on its first baby in just a year. The truth is that you can prepare yourself with less than £200, if you're clever."

Buying for Baby on a Budget

But what about antenatal classes? How much would you pay? Nothing, £10, £100, £250, £300, £500, more...

Everyone's budget is different. Geographically location commands different price ranges. Everyone has different priorities.

It's difficult to put a value on exactly what it means to have a positive attitude towards your forthcoming birth. To be free of the fears and anxieties of labour and to look back afterwards with feelings of empowerment. It is difficult to put a price on a easier breastfeeding journey, or feelings of calmness, more sleep, reduced post-natal depression and an positive birth experience.

Natal Hypnotherapy™  does not guarantee a pain free labour or even guarantee any of the elements mentioned above. Natal Hypnotherapy™ doesn't make unrealistic claims. No-one has a crystal ball and ultimately no-one knows how birth is going to unfold. Natal Hypnotherapy™ offers the opportunity to learn techniques that will help you to feel confident, trust your body and manage the sensations of birth. It is clinically proven that the use of hypnosis in childbirth results in:

  • Shorter labour
  • Less medication
  • Less reported pain
  • Higher APGAR Scores
  • More frequent spontaneous delivery
  • Reduced post natal depression

Knowledge is power! High quality antenatal education can make all the difference.

More about the importance of childbirth classes

Natal Hypnotherapy™ was developed in association with the NHS and is endorsed by the Royal College of Midwives. Perhaps more importantly, Natal Hypnotherapy™ is endorsed and recommended by the 100,000's + that have followed the program and benefited.

So when budgeting for baby equipment - consider what a positive birth experience would mean to you and you may find that you can actually afford antenatal classes.

Our birth experiences stay with us for a life time.
An empowering birth experience can be invaluable.