How much would you be prepared to pay for an antenatal classes?
Christmas is coming. The pitter-patter of tiny feet on the way. You need to buy all the baby essentials. A pram, a cot, nappies, a car seat.
The Babycentre say that "The average family spends £3,000 on its first baby in just a year. The truth is that you can prepare yourself with less than £200, if you're clever."
Buying for Baby on a Budget
But what about antenatal classes? How much would you pay? Nothing, £10, £100, £250, £300, £500, more...
Everyone's budget is different. Geographically location commands different price ranges. Everyone has different priorities.
It's difficult to put a value on exactly what it means to have a positive attitude towards your forthcoming birth. To be free of the fears and anxieties of labour and to look back afterwards with feelings of empowerment. It is difficult to put a price on a easier breastfeeding journey, or feelings of calmness, more sleep, reduced post-natal depression and an positive birth experience.
Natal Hypnotherapy™ does not guarantee a pain free labour or even guarantee any of the elements mentioned above. Natal Hypnotherapy™ doesn't make unrealistic claims. No-one has a crystal ball and ultimately no-one knows how birth is going to unfold. Natal Hypnotherapy™ offers the opportunity to learn techniques that will help you to feel confident, trust your body and manage the sensations of birth. It is clinically proven that the use of hypnosis in childbirth results in:
- Shorter labour
- Less medication
- Less reported pain
- Higher APGAR Scores
- More frequent spontaneous delivery
- Reduced post natal depression
Knowledge is power! High quality antenatal education can make all the difference.
More about the importance of childbirth classes
Natal Hypnotherapy™ was developed in association with the NHS and is endorsed by the Royal College of Midwives. Perhaps more importantly, Natal Hypnotherapy™ is endorsed and recommended by the 100,000's + that have followed the program and benefited.
So when budgeting for baby equipment - consider what a positive birth experience would mean to you and you may find that you can actually afford antenatal classes.
Our birth experiences stay with us for a life time.
An empowering birth experience can be invaluable.