Absolutely fantastic to meet and listen to Shelia Byrom OBE yesterday. Shelia's talk, 'Who's decision is it anyway?', looked out how the presentation of guidelines can influence decision.
At the end of the day every pregnant women has the right to choose what should happen to her next.
Shelia talked passionately about the word 'Allowed' - as in what women are allowed and not
allowed to do. It is a word we would prefer not hear, instead supporting a woman to
make her own decision.
Clinical Guidelines are in place to assist clinicans to help patients in making their own
decisions about appropriate care. Guidelines are never mandatory.
So, if you are told:
- You are not allowed to go beyond your due date.
- You are not allowed to have a water birth.
- You are not allowed to use the birthing centre or have a home birth.
And actually, the same goes for the word 'Must' - as in:
- You must be examined.
- You must have a c/section.
- You must take certain drugs.
You are perfectly within your right to challenge it, ask questions and ask to be sign posted to
further information.
The following document looks in detail at how guidelines, policy and procedure may be
presented to parents in a more constructive light. To fully respect the individual and empower
them with the ability to make a decision.
Guidelines & Policy
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