Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Positions for Birth

Go with whatever is Instinctive.

There is evidence to support women should go with their own instincts and adopt a birthing position that is most comfortable for them.

"Women should be encouraged and helped to move and adopt whatever positions they find most comfortable throughout labour (NICE 2007). "

Indeed moving around in labour and birth can help your body work with gravity. Upright positions can:
  • Help the baby find the optimal alignment for birth 
  • Result in less pain
  • Shorter first stage
  • Help a women feel in control of her birth

When you think of a birthing women how is she positioned in your mind's eye?
Usually on her back.

Most media images, television portrayal of birth and so on, show woman birthing on the backs, yet upright positions, kneeling, squatting or the hands and knees position according to evidence are more favourable than laying down.

The following study states that:

"On the whole women will "choose" to do what they think is expected of them and they are usually informed by the most common image of the labouring women as lying down."

Midwives have an important role in helping women to find and choose comfortable positions (Cotton 2010, Walsh 2007). By listening to your body and through the encouragement of your midwife you will find a position that is the most suitable for you.

Positions for Birth

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