Monday, 5 May 2014

Dealing with Midwives Blackpool, Preston & Lytham St Annes

Communicating with your Midwife

Today is International Midwives Day. "International Day of the Midwife was first celebrated May 5, 1991, and has since been observed in over 50 nations around the world. The idea of having a day to recognize and honor midwives came out of the 1987 International Confederation of Midwives conference in the Netherlands."

The vast majority of midwives do an absolutely fantastic job, under tiring, stressful and challenging work conditions. Every single women that walks into the maternity room has a different set of needs, expectations and experiences. Midwifery must be very challenging at times!

Many couples overlook the importance of how they are going to communicate with their midwife during birth:

If you are a expectant woman, despite having regular contractions and been caught up in the emotions of birth, the best thing you can do is keep your midwife on side. Remain calm and keep animosity out of the birth room. 

Dads-to-be may suddenly find themselves faced with the reality of their partner coping in labour and may feel powerless to help. This combined with a whole new set of emotions in an unfamiliar setting can send testosterone flying. Not helpful! Or can knock confidence meaning that the birth partner ends up providing very little birth support. Also not helpful!!!

Natal Hypnotherapy™ teaches the tools for women to stay calm during in labour as well as techniques for coping with contractions. It teaches birth partners how they can effectively support the birthing women whilst remaining confident, in control and pleasantly conversant with medical staff.

Wishing for Calmer Mothers, Birth Partners, Babies and Midwives (esp. today)

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