Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Rest, Be Thankful and Play the Piano







How long is Labour?

How long is a piece of string?

Birth and labour can differ for every women. Each and everyone of us are individuals with different bodies, cycles, emotions, support and environments.

Clinical Evidence

One of the best ways to have a quicker labour to learn Natal Hypnotherapy techniques. Hypnosis is clinical proven to shorten labour times, so can be a fantastic tool to pack in your birth bag!

Emotionally, tension and stress are one of the most problematic barriers to birth and by learning deep relaxation and breathing techniques you can really effect labour times. Many Natal Hypnotherapy Mums will testify to the effects that hypnobirthing had on their experience, in fact 100,000's of women have used Natal Hypnotherapy and would recommend it to others.

Failure to Progress?

There is a line of thought that suggests women are FTP - failing to progress. i.e. Birth isn't moving along fast enough. Fast enough according to who? Well, usually fast enough according to policy and protocol...

Of course, on occasion there can be genuine medical reasons that a birthing women may need augmentation (helping along). Much of the time slowed labour is more to do with feelings of anxiety and fear, lack of antenatal education, not receiving adequate support and not feeling sufficiently cocooned in their birth space.

The following You tube Clip is by Neighbourhood Midwives who operate in London. Julie brilliantly discusses how women routinely are offered augmentation to speed things up and why, often, it just isn't necessary.

Length of Labour...

Many labouring women reach a phase in their labour where everything appears to stop. This is known as the 'rest and be thankful' stage. This pause allows the birthing women to re-group and prepare for breathing baby down. Without prior knowledge of this pause, it is perhaps easy to see why a birthing mother could be panicked into thinking she needs assistance because everything has 'stopped'. Knowledge is power, please keep sharing x

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