Use it or Lose it - You are never too old to change, but staying physically active will give you the best chance.
The brain is continually changes - Old dogs can learn new tricks.No matter how long an issue or behaviour has being with you, you always, always have the potential for change. Much of the success of hypnotherapy is dependent on a persons overall motivation to change. For example you might quite the idea of wearing skinny jeans, but is that enough for you to stop over eating, as opposed to the motivation that your doctor has told you that if you don't shift the pounds you will become seriously ill.
Some people just believe they can't change or they are too old to change. The following article looks at just how changable the mind is, and by keeping it active and healthy we can improve our lives.
"The mainstream view in neuroscience and medicine today is that the living brain is actually “neuroplastic”—meaning that its “circuits” are constantly changing in response to what we actually do out in the world. As we think, perceive, form memories or learn new skills, the connections between brain cells also change and strengthen. Far from being hard-wired, the brain has circuits that very rapidly form, unform and reform."
What does this actually mean? Well, use it or lose it. The more mentally and phyically active we are in the approach to middle age the better. Staying active has been proven to keep you active.
Time to dig out the suduko or that book you have been meaning to read!
Doctors at Cardiff University have "found that men who consistently did a few activities, reduced their risk for cognitive decline and dementia by a staggering 60%. These activities included eating a healthy diet; maintaining a normal weight, with a body-mass index from 18 to under 25; limiting alcohol to about a glass of wine a day; and not smoking" and significantly partaking in regular phyiscal exercise. So by 'using it' physically, it looks as though the mind also remains active and changing.
I believe that Hypnotherapy can be benefical to most people - irrespective of age. Clinical evidence is now showing that for those middle aged individuals who are active - that their minds are particularly changeable - so if you are over 50 and previously considered that hypnotherapy would never work for you, but you are physically and mentally active - all it may take is an open mind and a little motivation...
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