Saturday, 6 June 2015

Proud to be a 'Natal Hypnotherapy Mum'

I am so proud to be a Natal Hypnotherapy™ Mum for many reasons. 

Countless Natal Hypnotherapy™ Mums will understand exactly what I mean when I say that Natal Hypnotherapy™ truly gave me the confidence to birth in a way that was completely and instinctively right for me. 

It is plain speaking - there is nothing complicated about this natural process. Natal Hypnotherapy™ simply gave me the tools and techniques to have a calm pregnancy and empowering birth.

Giving birth is such a major life event and birth preparation is invaluable:
  • The importance of relaxation can not be under-estimated
  • Understanding the impact of the birth environment
  • Remaining active
  • Ensuring the birth space is protected from those who say what is and isn't 'allowed'
  • Receiving practical support from your birth partner
  • Understanding of the emotional side of birth 
  • By taking control, but also relinquishing control

I am proud to have birthed my way. There was no prescriptive do's and don't or must's and must not's. 

I am lucky that I really did have amazing support and a fantastic birth experience. No-one can tell you exactly what birth will be like for you: as each women is different. Even for the same woman, no two experiences are ever exactly the same and as a practitioner I am always careful about managing expectations.

When you experience birth for yourself, you will recognise that Natal Hypnotherapy™ is excellent in it's approach to antenatal care.

 Everyone births in their own unique way

Nothing in life is certain, but no matter how birth unfolds, Natal Hypnotherapy™ instills a perspective for confidence and calmness at every turn. Indeed, many couples comment how Natal Hypnotherapy™ teaches skills for life - I wonder how many Mums and Dads are out there still using '321 relax' to cope with toddler tantrums long after their baby's birth day...

I truly enjoy supporting new parents-to-be by providing a first rate antenatal programme and delight in hearing baby news and positive birth stories.

As you can probably see: not only am I a proud Natal Hypnotherapy Mum, but I am also very proud to be a Natal Hypnotherapy Practitioner.

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