Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Art of Positive Thinking

Think it.

Believe it.

Be it.

If you are looking to make a positive change in your life, hypnotherapy may be an option for you. Whether it be stopping smoking, feeling less anxious, losing weight...Hypnotherapy is tried and tested and can certainly help.

The first thing to know is that you need to be on board with your change - 100% committed to what you are hoping to achieve. Hypnotherapy probably isn't for you if you have a vague idea that you would like to lose a few pounds, but aren't really bothered either way... It is crucial that you have a clear, achievable and positive goal before setting off on your journey to change. A good hypnotherapist will help you to identify and focus upon a realistic set of goals - so that the wheels of change can be put into motion.

The other thing is to maintain a positive perspective - you might continue to dwell on the 10 Big Mac meals you have eaten this week and hold on to the shame of the state of your body - but this really it not helpful on any level. Hypnotherapy can help you release old emotion and help to boost positivity. Really dwelling on the problem only serves to magnify it, so all that happens is that the problem seems much larger than it is. It makes much more sense and it is much more effective to focus on what you want to achieve. So in the instance of weight control having a clear idea of how much you would like to lose each week, the types of foods that you would like to be eating, focusing on your new svelete figure and the types of activities you will be doing is so much more constructive than dragging yourself down - A positive mindset is the difference between stagnating - staying the same - and feeling rubbish or achieving your goals - feeling energised - and being awesome!

Pick up any magazine and you can read about positive thinking - so much so that 'positive thinking' has almost become cliche. The thing is, neuroscience now teaches us that positive thinking can chemically help us to have a greater sense of wellbeing - positive thoughts create the wonderful hormones such as serotonin and endorphins which are directly responsible to how you feel. There is nothing woo woo about it! Positive thoughts can really impact on your life. 'Change your thoughts - change your life'. Ha. Sounds easy doesn't it, but in reality that positivity switch can need an almighty flick to make a change to your well worn mindset. Conscious positive thought can really help, but it is hypnotherapy that really makes a that subconscious difference.

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