Monday, 20 May 2013

8 Considerations for Home Birth

Our birthing environment is one of the most important factors in having a comfortable and satisfying birth. A place where we feel safe to birth our baby.


The most common choice is hospital: women feel comfortable in a place where medical assistance is on hand - should there be an emergency, historically Mothers and Sisters have given birth in hospital and that's the norm, for some women their midwife may have advised that this is the best option.

There is no 'correct' place to birth, only a place that's right for you.

Natural or Medicalised Birth?

Women who want a home birth tend to favour natural birthing, they choose to stay away from hospitals as they feel once they are admitted into the hospital system they are drawn into medical policy & procedure and that they will have a greater chance of medical intervention - induction, forceps, c-section and so on. That said, there is an effort by many midwives to become more women-centred, especially in midwife-led birthing centres.

Some women like to 'nest', in order to make their birthing environment as perfect as they can - using lighting, music, oils, bedding and other home comforts. Hospitals can be accommodating, but there is no getting away from the fact it is a medical setting with strip lights, uniforms, clip boards, medical equipment etc...

Question: What comes to mind when you think 'hospital'?

Answer 1: Emergency, pain and panic - for this woman, a far from relaxed response.
Answer 2: Safety, reassurance and support - for this woman, medical security.

8 Considerations for Home Birth

A few questions to consider when you're weighing up Home V's Hospital Birth...

What type of birthing experience do you want?
Where would you feel the most comfortable?
What does your birth partner think? Does s/he support your choices?
What does you midwife say?
Is it safe?
Do you want pain relief?
What is the transfer time to hospital?
Do you already have children? Would they be present/Do you have childcare?

Every woman in the UK is entitled to request a home birth and for normal, low-risk pregnancies a home birth option is entirely possible - if you want it.

Any Comments welcome xx

Further Information:

Sky News Homebirth Debate Video


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