Friday, 31 January 2014

Hospital Policy & Procedure


Absolutely fantastic to meet and listen to Shelia Byrom OBE yesterday. Shelia's talk, 'Who's decision is it anyway?', looked out how the presentation of guidelines can influence decision.

At the end of the day every pregnant women has the right to choose what should happen to her next.

 Shelia talked passionately about the word 'Allowed' - as in what women are allowed and not
 allowed to do. It is a word we would prefer not hear, instead supporting a woman to
    make her own decision.

    Clinical Guidelines are in place to assist clinicans to help patients in making their own
    decisions about appropriate care. Guidelines are never mandatory.

    So, if you are told:

  •  You are not allowed to go beyond your due date.
  •  You are not allowed to have a water birth.
  •  You are not allowed to use the birthing centre or have a home birth. 

    And actually, the same goes for the word 'Must' - as in:

  •  You must be examined.
  •  You must have a c/section.
  •  You must take certain drugs.

   You are perfectly within your right to challenge it, ask questions and ask to be sign posted to
   further information.

   The following document looks in detail at how guidelines, policy and procedure may be
   presented to parents in a more constructive light. To fully respect the individual and empower
   them with the ability to make a decision.

   Guidelines & Policy

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

East Lancashire Maternity Services

Maternity Awards

"East Lancashire maternity services received the award for improving normal birth rates reducing Caesarean section rates and increasing birth choice for mothers. Furthermore, the reconfiguration of services and the development of freestanding and alongside birth centres that have good recruitment and retention rates along with supporting 92 home births added to the services award winning criteria."

National Maternity Service Award

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Hypnosis for Pregnancy Sickness

Pregnancy Sickness

Morning Sickness should be called all-day sickness for some women. Sickness in pregnancy can be so debilitating and can really make a woman feel down. There are a number of remedies that women try such as ginger, peppermint, sickness bands and so on. But have you heard of hypnosis for Pregnancy Sickness?

Did you know that the in a survey of 45 women using the Natal Hypnotherapy™ "Overcome Morning Sickness" CD, 9 put of 10 said that they felt the nausea had reduced and they felt significantly better.

"Almost anything is worth trying to reduce or even rid yourself of pregnancy sickness/nausea. I found this CD helpful because she talks about things that make nausea worse, such as anxiety over food you're eating. I could relate to parts of it so completely that I consciously tried to battle my anxiety when I knew I'd start to suffer, which I felt did help. My pregnancy sickness has definitely got easier to manage since listening to this CD, although it is getting better with time anyway (am now 23+ weeks), but I did notice a change the week I first listened to it." Amazon Reviewer

For more information see:

Overcoming Morning Sickness

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Breastfeeding & Marijuana

Could Breastfed babies really get the 'Munchies'?

It has been found "based on findings of several major scientific studies, that human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana, which are actually extremely vital for proper human development."

Anyone who has breastfed will be familiar with the calming effect of a good feed, and how a full tummy seems to put a baby into a really sleepy & relaxed state, but could this also be the effect of cannabinoids?

This article looks at how cannabinoids in breast milk, stimulates the desire to eat - likening it to the effects of an adult taking marijuana and getting the 'munchies'. It states that breast milk cannabinoids "trigger hunger and promote growth and development".

Breast milk is amazing stuff - science is learning all the time. As far as I know formula milk doesn't contain cannabinoids? If it did, I would personally find it controversial to hear that formula milk manufacturers were adding 'the same cannabinoids found in marijuana'! For me hearing about the importance of naturally occurring breast milk cannabinoids, just reaffirms the power of nurture and highlights just how are amazing we are.

Cannabinoids Breast Milk Article

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Birth Registration Lancashire

Happy New Year!

It's already been a busy and exciting January for many new parents. In all the flurry of becoming a new parent remember that you need to register the birth of your new baby.

You need to contact your local register office within 42 days of birth.

Contact Details for Wyre/Fylde/Blackpool/Preston

Wyre Borough

  Fleetwood Registration Office
  Fleetwood Information Centre, Fleetwood Library, North    
  Albert Street
  FY7 6AJ
  0845 053 0021


 Lytham Registration Office
 Registrar Of Births Deaths and Marriages, 27, Lytham  Library, Clifton Street
 Lytham St. Annes
 FY8 5EP 
 0845 053 0021

 Preston Register Office
 Registrar Of Births Deaths and Marriages, Preston
 PR1 8SE
 0845 053 0021

 For more information on who can register the birth
 & what's involved for Preston, Wyre & Fylde:

 Registering Birth Lancashire


      Registration Service
      Blackpool Council
      Municipal Buildings
      Corporation Street
      FY1 1GB
      01253 477177|

      For more information on who can register the birth & what's involved in Blackpool:

      Registering Births - Blackpool

* All details correct at time of blog.