What is Hypnosis?
According to the NCH: "Opinions vary on the exact definition of this natural state of mind. First of all, contrary to what many people believe, hypnosis is not always a trance state or a sleep state even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. Hypnosis is really natural state of mind and is an important part of everyday life. Whenever our mind wanders, daydreams or is focused on something, such as reading a book, driving a familiar route, watching a film we are in a state of hypnosis."So many people think of sucking lemons and clucking like a chicken when they think of hypnosis - Hypnosis and Stage Hypnotism is a million miles away from Hypnotherapy.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy has been recognized as a therapeutic tool by professionals, it can be powerful for changing patterns of behaviour and rebalancing outdated beliefs. The 'therapy' part of hypnotherapy takes place when the subject is in a 'trance' like state. Once this state is achieved the client becomes open and receptive to suggestion to create a change. I use the word 'trance' with reservation as it can conjures an image of loss of control - nothing could be further from the truth. In hypnotherapy, the client is in a deeply relaxed state and remains in control at all times - there is no chance that you would do or say anything against your will.What is Hypnotherapy used for?
Beliefs affect our biology. Hypnotherapy has the potential to help adapt any behaviour, and change any emotional responses that are caused by negative or unpleasant thoughts. The most common uses of hypnotherapy include: Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Phobia and Pain Management.Natal Hypnotherapy ™
Natal Hypnotherapy™ is a program devised by Maggie Howell in 2000. It uses the principles of Hypnotherapy to help women have a positive birth experience. Natal Hypnotherapy™ offers so much more than hypnotherapy alone - for more information on the types of things you will learn on the Natal Hypnotherapy workshops see Calm and Contented Hypnotherapy . Natal Hypnotherapy™ has been described as an antenatal workshop that reaches parts that other antenatal workshops can not reach!Is Hypnotherapy for me?
Everyone has one issue or another. You could contact a local hypnotherapist to discuss your requirements. Hypnotherapy isn't regulated so there are many practitioners out there. It is recommended that you question their experience and select a professional who is registered with the NCH National Council for Hypnotherapy (Or other recognised body) and has attended more than a two day weekend training course!There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis and truly the best way of understanding it and assessing it's impact is to experience it yourself.
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