Complimentary Classes
As Natal Hypnotherapy™ Practitioners we are frequently asked whether our workshops compliment other antenatal classes - like NCT, Lazy Daisy, Empowering Parents, NHS Parentcraft Classes and so on...Absolutely, Natal Hypnotherapy™ has been coined as the 'antenatal workshop that other workshops can't reach' - It covers topics such as the emotional pattern of birth, the impact of hormones & of course the in depth use of hypnotherapy as a form of Natural Pain Relief that not all other classes include.
All antenatal education is extremely valuable. You would be amazed at the amount of women who do no birth preparation at all - yet research has shown that antenatal classes result in a smoother birth experience.
Angela Turner-Jones at Lazy Daisy offers weekly birth classes which would ideally compliment Natal Hypnotherapy™. Both workshops offer excellent antenatal education: Calm & Contented Natal Hypnotherapy™ focuses on Mind & Body where as Lazy Daisy focuses on Body & Mind.
Natal Hypnotherapy™
Natal Hypnotherapy is focused upon releasing the fear surrounding birth through in depth hypnosis techniques and primarily encourages the use of instinct movement during birth. Much of Natal Hypnotherapy™ is focused upon achieving a natural birth - appealing to women who want a 'normalised' birth experience. Understanding that nothing is life is guaranteed, the techniques that you learn are designed to help you stay calm and in control - no matter what happens during birth. At Calm & Contented, I focus mainly on One-to-One Workshops which allow a couple to get maximum benefit from Natal Hypnotherapy™ - everything is tailored to the individual couple and is very much a personal experience.Lazy Daisy
Lazy Daisy teaches wonderful active birthing and pregnancy movements - pregnancy yoga is adapted to all women even those who worry they are not stretchy enough. Gentle flowing movement sequences are designed to support pregnancy, so that the body will simply 'remember' whilst the birthing mum focuses on staying calm and in control. Lazy Daisy explore 'active birth', but also consider the role of hormones and mind set, so often attract women who know they have to have a more managed or assisted delivery. Lazy Daisy offers weekly classes which is the ideal opportunity to socialise with other pregnant ladies.Both Natal Hypnotherapy™ and Lazy Daisy help women to feel physically & emotionally, confident & comfortable throughout pregnancy though birth breathing, affirmation and visualisation exercises and offer positive preparation for birth.
For Lazy Daisy Classes: Contact Angela 07966 424046
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