Do you have feelings of nervousness, fear, continuous worries? If so, you may be suffering from anxiety.
Some degree of anxiety is healthy.
It keeps us on our toes, it keeps us safe and prevents us from taking risks, but for some people anxiety is so much more than this.
Isn't is normal for most people to become anxious before meeting new people? Doing a presentation? Or having a job interview? Well to a certain extent yes. A shot of adrenaline to ensure that we perform at our best and don't become complacent. Anxiety extends beyond this, for some feelings of nervousness and worry can have a huge impact on their day to day life.
You may find yourself avoiding situations or people that make you anxious, you may have a continous stream of negative self talk that drives you to distraction and prevents you from enjoying the moment, you may even have morbid thoughts which are really scary to you.
And what about physical sysmptoms, insomnia, sweating, diarrhoea or changes in appetite?
Hypnotherapy can really help to give you confidence in dealing with stressful situations such as driving tests or exams - help for situations where you would expect to be anxious - and for many people this is exactly what they need.
Many people without anxiety don't realise these worries can be on going - not just exam nerves or slight concern for the future. For anxiety sufferers, these feelings dominate and can be there much of the time. Anxiety can really affect wellbeing, health, employment, relationships - it can impact on all aspects of life.
Hypnotherapy can really help you to understand why anxiety is there and to help you become much more calm in thought and feeling as well as physically at ease. The hypnotic trance alone will help to support your para-sympathetic nervous system by relaxing deeply and learning autonomic breathing techniques.
If you are feeling anxious, the first place you may turn is to your GP. I would always, always recommend seeing your GP whenever you have health concerns. It is the unfortunate that anxiety can not be 'cured' in a 10 minute appointment - though your GP may diagnose it and signpost you in the direction of further help.
The hypnotherapist is there to facilate change, but all changes come from within. Hypnotherapy sessions will give you the time to explore your anxiety in a safe environment and will help you to reframe your fears and put thoughts into perspective. No credible therapist would ever guarantee results, but hypnotherapy can be very successful if you are motivated and have a true desire to change.
For more details see No more anxiety
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