Thursday, 4 February 2016

Listening to your femininity within...








Your Menstrual Cycle: Pregnancy, Infertility and more... 

How much do you know about your menstrual cycle?

For most women they view their monthly bleed as something less than positive. An inconvenience, messy and more often than not uncomfortable. With this mind set, its hardly surprising that a women's period is known as 'the curse' - Yet how helpful is it to view such a natural and wonderful process with such negative connotation?

An understanding of the female body can help us to reconnect with ourselves on multiple levels. Whatever stage of life: puberty, trying for a baby, pregnant, menopausal or resolving tensions. It can be empowering for a woman to embrace femininity rather than viewing the menstrual cycle as something that should be 'put up with' or 'swept under the carpet'.

Certainly if you are trying to concieve: biological and emotional understanding of your own unique cycle is so important. And once pregnant imagine how much easier it is to listen to your body and embrace the changes of pregnancy, if you are already accustomised to tuning in to your body. Techniques such as hypnobirthing can the help strengthen and focus your mind and body for birth - building and bonding on what you already instinctively know from within.

Understanding physical and emotional changes throughout your cycle can help with self nurture - by listening to your body you can learn when it is time to eat, drink, rest and take that all important 'me time' away from the rest of the world. 'Me time' sounds like a bit of a cliche these days! But time out can really give a woman the opportunity to reflect on the month past and prepare for the month ahead.

Emotions are all part of humanity and where once you might have viewed irritability or tears or sadness during the lead up to your monthly bleed, such emotions may now be viewed through different eyes. This purge of negative emotion may be a reflection of the experiences you have had that month - reminents of unexpressed anger and unfinished business. When these emotions are encouraged to surface: a woman may feel cleansed and refreshed. Similar to that feeling, when you have a good cry over a sad movie. Dealing with locked in emotion then paves the path to move forward - with energy, enthusiam and positivity.

So not only does understanding and instinctly responding to our natural cycle help us to celebrate womanhood - it can also help to improve conditions and wellbeing. It is suggested by some experts that when our own natural tendancies and rhythms are not honoured that illness can follow. This is certainly a reason to start and pay attention to our bodies, emotions and thoughts and really start to give ourselves the self nurture that we deserve. Menstruation can be truly healing. To read more about this fasinating subject read: 'Her Blood is Gold, Awakening to the Wisdom of Menstration' by Lara Owen.

For more information about Natal Hypnotherapy™ and Hypnotherapy for Infertility & Hormonal Issues see

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