Thursday, 18 December 2014

What is Hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis?

According to the NCH: "Opinions vary on the exact definition of this natural state of mind. First of all, contrary to what many people believe, hypnosis is not always a trance state or a sleep state even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. Hypnosis is really natural state of mind and is an important part of everyday life. Whenever our mind wanders, daydreams or is focused on something, such as reading a book, driving a familiar route, watching a film we are in a state of hypnosis."

So many people think of sucking lemons and clucking like a chicken when they think of hypnosis - Hypnosis and Stage Hypnotism is a million miles away from Hypnotherapy.


What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy has been recognized as a therapeutic tool by professionals, it can be powerful for changing patterns of behaviour and rebalancing outdated beliefs. The 'therapy' part of hypnotherapy takes place when the subject is in a 'trance' like state. Once this state is achieved the client becomes open and receptive to suggestion to create a change. I use the word 'trance' with reservation as it can  conjures an image of loss of control - nothing could be further from the truth. In hypnotherapy, the client is in a deeply relaxed state and remains in control at all times - there is no chance that you would do or say anything against your will.

What is Hypnotherapy used for?

Beliefs affect our biology. Hypnotherapy has the potential to help adapt any behaviour, and change any emotional responses that are caused by negative or unpleasant thoughts. The most common uses of hypnotherapy include: Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Phobia and Pain Management.

Natal Hypnotherapy

Natal Hypnotherapy™ is a program devised by Maggie Howell in 2000. It uses the principles of Hypnotherapy to help women have a positive birth experience. Natal Hypnotherapy™ offers so much more than hypnotherapy alone - for more information on the types of things you will learn on the Natal Hypnotherapy workshops see Calm and Contented Hypnotherapy . Natal Hypnotherapy™ has been described as an antenatal workshop that reaches parts that other antenatal workshops can not reach!

Is Hypnotherapy for me?

Everyone has one issue or another. You could contact a local hypnotherapist to discuss your requirements. Hypnotherapy isn't regulated so there are many practitioners out there. It is recommended that you question their experience and select a professional who is registered with the NCH National Council for Hypnotherapy (Or other recognised body) and has attended more than a two day weekend training course!

There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis and truly the best way of understanding it and assessing it's impact is to experience it yourself.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Olympic Water Birth

The Many Benefits of Water

Rebecca Addlington, Olympic and Gold winning freestyle swimming has announced she wants a water birth.

With so many benefits of water its hardly surprising that more and more women are re-considering there options for birth. The warmth and buoyancy of a birthing pool is such a relaxing way to birth and perfectly compliments hypnosis for birth.

As Beverley Turner puts it "Water can do so much for you in labour, taking away gravity so you feel really comfortable, and giving natural pain relief, because as you relax things tend to hurt less. Many women who birth in water also say that it makes them feel safe, protected, and in their own special zone."

To read more about attitudes and benefits of water birth please see:


Lazy Daisy Blackpool & Fylde - The more education the better...

Complimentary Classes

As Natal Hypnotherapy™  Practitioners we are frequently asked whether our workshops compliment other antenatal classes - like NCT, Lazy Daisy, Empowering Parents, NHS Parentcraft Classes and so on...

Absolutely, Natal Hypnotherapy™ has been coined as the 'antenatal workshop that other workshops can't reach' - It covers topics such as the emotional pattern of birth, the impact of hormones & of course the in depth use of hypnotherapy as a form of Natural Pain Relief that not all other classes include.

All antenatal education is extremely valuable. You would be amazed at the amount of women who do no birth preparation at all - yet research has shown that antenatal classes result in a smoother birth experience.

Angela Turner-Jones at Lazy Daisy offers weekly birth classes which would ideally compliment Natal Hypnotherapy™. Both workshops offer excellent antenatal education: Calm & Contented Natal Hypnotherapy™ focuses on Mind & Body where as Lazy Daisy focuses on Body & Mind.

Natal Hypnotherapy

Natal Hypnotherapy is focused upon releasing the fear surrounding birth through in depth hypnosis techniques and primarily encourages the use of instinct movement during birth. Much of Natal Hypnotherapy™ is focused upon achieving a natural birth - appealing to women who want a 'normalised' birth experience. Understanding that nothing is life is guaranteed, the techniques that you learn are designed to help you stay calm and in control - no matter what happens during birth. At Calm & Contented, I focus mainly on One-to-One Workshops which allow a couple to get maximum benefit from Natal Hypnotherapy™ - everything is tailored to the individual couple and is very much a personal experience.

Lazy Daisy

Lazy Daisy teaches wonderful active birthing and pregnancy movements - pregnancy yoga is adapted to all women even those who worry they are not stretchy enough. Gentle flowing movement sequences are designed to support pregnancy, so that the body will simply 'remember' whilst the birthing mum focuses on staying calm and in control.  Lazy Daisy explore 'active birth', but also consider the role of hormones and mind set, so often attract women who know they have to have a more managed or assisted delivery. Lazy Daisy offers weekly classes which is the ideal opportunity to socialise with other pregnant ladies.

Both Natal Hypnotherapy™ and Lazy Daisy help women to feel physically & emotionally, confident & comfortable throughout pregnancy though birth breathing, affirmation and visualisation exercises and offer positive preparation for birth.

For Lazy Daisy Classes: Contact Angela 07966 424046

Guidelines for Home Birth

Welcome Guidelines:

 "Today is a great day for all those midwives, doulas, antenatal teachers and men and women who believe that giving birth is a normal, physiological and emotional event in a woman's life and that it should be treated with the utmost respect, dignity and awe. It is indeed a great day - women will now finally be given a more realistic (evidence based) view of home births.

Giving Birth does not have to be a traumatic and medicalised process during which the woman feels scared, out of control and a cog in the NHS maternity system. The NICE guidelines, which were published today, have recognised that the evidence to date indicates that women who choose to have their babies in the safety and privacy of their own home under the care of a Midwife, or in a Midwifery led birthing unit have less complications and hence intervention.
But we should not forget that this day is the accumulation of years and years of hard work by some unbelievably dedicated and passionate women and men. I remember being at the launch of the Birthplace study in London and the buzz then was amazing - everyone truly felt that the tide was turning, and that was 3 years ago. We need to keep up the momentum, support midwives in the amazing work they do, encourage our friends, sisters, daughters to believe in their bodies and to spread the word that feeling safe, positive and prepared will help all women to have better births."

Maggie Howell Founder of Natal Hypnotherapy

Thursday, 23 October 2014

What is a doula and do I need one?

What is a Doula?

Unless you are from a birthing background or you are lucky enough to personally know a doula it is quite likely that you have no idea what one is.

A doula is a non-medical person, usually a mother, who is there to support you throughout pregnancy, labour and/or after your birth. 

Doula's are trained to have a non-judgemental outlook and are there to support and represent your decision. They offer emotional and physical support at a time that women are most vunerable - helping women to get the birth experience they really want.

It's a common misconception that doula's can only employed during birth - actually many also work postnatally, so you could employ a doula for a couple of hours per week until you get back on your feet.

Do I need one?

This really depends on you. On your expectations and your support network. 

During birth you may feel that your birth partner is assertive enough to deal with medical professionals and that he has the neccessary skills to support you throughout labour. (Of course these skills can be polished with increased antenatal education - Natal Hypnotherapy dedicates an entire section about the role of the birth partner!)

Other women may not have a birth partner. Or they may have a partner that is daunted by the protocol and procedure of hospital - even the most confident of people can get 'white coat syndrome' when on unfamiliar medical territory. Or they may have a partner that is extremely squeamish and it is likely he will be in a heap on the floor at the crucial moment!

Even if your partner is a hero-man-midwife type, don't disregard having a doula - a well trained doula knows exactly when to step back. Just having a doula there, as a women who is herself a mother and has gone through the birth process, can really help. Plus a doula also takes care of the birth partner allowing him to have a break/toilet stop/something to eat and so on...

After birth you may be lucky enough to have helpful and supportive family and friends, but as our society becomes more fragmented for many people this isn't a reality and a doula can provide very practical support at this time.

Choosing a Doula

It is wise to chat to a few doula's before you make a decision. You need to feel comfortable with the person that is to partake in such a intimate and special part of your life. If the doula talks about her own experience, sack her. Your birth experience is about you.

Isn't is expensive to hire a Doula

Until you speak to one you won't know - but you may be surprised. Many women who train as a doula, do it because it is fulfilling and rewarding - not for the money. So it is likely that you will be able to find an agreement. There is also a Doula Hardship Fund - for more information see Hardship Fund.

There is lots more information on Doula UK. You are able to select a 'Doula by Postcode' on this site.

Doula's are available for both hospital and home births.

In our area we are extremely lucky to have the open minded, lovely natured and experienced Zoe Walsh. Zoe covers Wyre, Fylde, Preston, and surrounding areas. For an informal chat please call: 07743 299810.

Slightly further a field there is Susan Hannelly (Manchester) 07745380706 or Michelle Bromley (East Lancs) 0793214574 and Aurea Kelvin (Lancaster) 07779232866.


Wednesday, 10 September 2014



How to alleviate Morning Sickness

Writing this now is reminding me of just how debilitating morning sickness is. As you have probably heard - for most woman that sickly feeling will go away at around 12 weeks, but for some women it can be present throughout pregnancy.

It is a shame that that elation of finding out you are pregnant is overshadowed by feelings of nausea and actually having you head down the toilet!

No one really understands what causes morning sickness or why some women have it and others don't. It is believed to be triggered by hormonal changes that take place when a woman becomes pregnant.

There are several natural ways to help reduce morning sickness including acupuncture, acupressure, sickness bands, taking ginger, peppermint, eating bland foods and grazing rather than eating big meals - and hypnotherapy.
As the Duchess of Cambridge is in the news with her second pregnancy - I wonder whether she will be again using hypnotherapy to alleviate morning sickness again?

It was reported last year that she was benefiting from hypnotherapy:

 'The hypnotherapy is taking away any negative thoughts connected with food from the morning sickness, and replacing them with cravings for healthy, nutritious food”

Stress plays a significant role in the onset of morning sickness. Hypnotherapy teaches us to relax at a level where your body is able to manage stress hormones and become focused on remaining calm. Suggestions help you to release tension and help you to maintain a relaxed mindset and in turn help to reduce morning sickness. 

Hypnotherapy can help you  to reframe thoughts about food and smells which trigger sickness - this will help you to control subconscious physically responses and allow you feel much better.

Additional positive suggestions for overcoming morning sickness would include: better quality sleep; more comfortable digestion; more effective use of energy; feeling/being calmer when dealing with every day issues; and increasing water intake. 

Maggie Howell's 'Overcome morning sickness' CD/MP3 helps pregnant women to deal with nausea and morning sickness through by listening to the CD in their own home.

A survey carried out in conjunction with Pregnancy and Birth Magazine, found that 10 out of 10 mothers would recommend this CD to a friend and 9 out of 10 felt significant benefit from using it.

"After listening to your CD I stopped being sick after meals. The nausea only comes back very occasionally, and my appetite has improved almost back to normal!  I wish I'd known about it for my last pregnancy, as I suffered really badly until about 18 weeks. I'll certainly recommend the CD to my friends."

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Hypnobirthing Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire

Susan Walker & Associates

Calm & Contented Natal Hypnotherapy™ One-to-One Workshops are now taking place at Susan Walker & Associates in Poulton-Le-Fylde.

Susan Walker, who is very well known and respected in the local community, has been in private physiotherapy practice for more than 25 years.

Natal Hypnotherapy™ will compliment the range of services already offered by Susan and her team.

Bowen Technique

Susan offers the Baby Bowen technique which helps to reset the body to heal itself. It consists of a series of gentle moves, usually with just the thumb and finger, across muscles or tendons in a very gentle rolling motion. Bowen is ideal for infants as it is extremely gentle yet highly effective - treating colic and reflux.

Bowen Technique 

Natal Hypnotherapy Sessions will run from 7.30pm - 10pm

For more information please see Hypnobirthing Bookings

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

What type of Birthing Woman will you be?

8 Types of Birthing Women

  • The Monster
  • The Chiller
  • The Doctor's Aid
  • The Professional
  • The Cringer
  • The Quitter
  • The Live Tweeter
  • The Solo Performer    

For full read see:
8 Types of Birthing Women 

Or perhaps you will choose to be a 321 Relaxer?

For more details see:
Natal Hypnotherapy

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Should I give birth on my back?

Get off your back! (Unless it feels right for you)

Instinctive birthing wouldn't prescribe any specific position for birthing. You may intend birthing on all fours and end up squatting. It's absolutely fine to do whatever is right for you at the time. But what about birthing on your back?

Without antenatal education, birthing on your back may be the first position you think of when giving birth? The videos you saw at school probably were of a women on her back in agony. The last birth you saw in Coronation Street was probably on her back in hospital (Unless the circumstances were more dramatic). How many women in One Born Every Minute give birth on their backs? It's hardly surprising then, that most women think they need to birth on their backs.

Reasons not to birth on your back...

1. You are fighting gravity - literally pushing your baby up hill.

2. You give medical staff an easier route to intervene.

3. Legs strapped - open wide in stirrups give me nightmares. (This is my personal opinion)

4. Compression of main arteries mean a restricted amount of blood and oxygen flow to the baby - leading to foetal distress.

5. Foetal distress may lead to a c/section, forceps etc...

6. It's disempowering for women and can effect birth satisfaction.

7. Slower labour.

8. More painful.

Birthing on your back prevents you from taking advantage of the benefits gained from moving around and having a active labour

 "An active labour positions the baby in the best possible way to exit – she has a clear run to the outside world and is better able to manoeuvre around her mother's bones. Labour is shorter and less painful in upright positions, and gives baby a far better oxygen supply - because lying on the back cuts off part of the blood supply to the placenta. The mother does not have to push her baby out against the effects of gravity, and there is less need for intervention, epidurals, forceps, ventouse and caesarean section." Margaret Jowitt

Milli Hill explores this further in the following article: Moving freely in labour works best, yet getting support for this can still be a struggle... Moving freely in labour works best, yet getting support for this can still be a struggle...

Saturday, 31 May 2014

From Water Birth to Baby Swimming

Turtle Tots Swimming


Water Birth

Some how it is a natural progression to follow a fantastic water birth with baby swimming classes. Babies have a natural affinity with the water, a water birth gently brings them into the world and swimming in a warm pool is a comforting reminder of the amniotic world they came from. Most babies love it!

Swimming Babies

Babies become totally liberated, as water is a free environment for them. Natural birthing focuses on our instincts as women - babies have many instincts too. The 'gag reflex' and 'mammalian dive reflex' which enable babies to hold their breath underwater and continue to supply oxygen to the main organs - Most prominent in babies under 6 months old. They also have primitive swimming stroke actions up to 6 months of age and can propel themselves through the water - early swimming classes can help support this natural ability.

Turtle Tots

Vicky Hill runs Turtle Tots Fylde and Preston. She is passionate about swimming and believes babies should be introduced to the water as soon as possible, not only for the safety aspect, but because of the special bond it provides and the fun you can have in the water. Her own experience as a mother to two girls and love of water have driven Vicky to run her own successful Turtle Tots baby swimming lessons across Preston, Fylde and greater Lancashire area.

Aqua-natal Classes

Aqua-natal is a great form of exercise for pregnant women providing fantastic mental and physical relaxation and toning. Vicky is considering running aqua-natal classes subject to demand - providing a complete package for both mums-to-be & their babies. Not only will mums be gaining health benefits & baby bonding, but this is an excellent opportunity to build life long friends - continuing classes together both before and after birth.

For more information please contact:

Vicky Hill: 07584 354090

From the end of June you can swim with Turtle Tots at The Chadwick Hotel in St Annes on a Tuesday and Friday morning. Vicky will be running a FREE taster session on Tuesday 24th June at The Chadwick Hotel – spaces are limited so please get in touch asap.

The Chadwick Hotel, South Promenade, St. Annes, FY8 1NP

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Scared of Giving Birth in Hospital

Natural Birth & Hypnosis for Birth


East Lancashire’s birthing units are ‘setting the standard’ for the rest of the country in terms of natural birthing including:

  • Midwife-led Births

  • Water Birth

  • Hypnobirthing

  • Home Birth

Instinctive and normalised births are becoming strongly favoured as national guidelines state that more women 'should opt to give birth at midwife-led units, or at home'.

"The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence said more women should be encouraged to give birth with the help of midwives, rather than being admitted to a traditional doctor-led labour ward...The three midwife-led units (Burnley, Blackburn & Rossendale) are now delivering almost a third of East Lancashire’s babies." Lancashire Telegraph. Thus moving birthing away from a hospitalised setting.

The East Lancashire birthing units are championed by leading midwife Sheena Byrom OBE, Beverley Turner TV Presenter & Health Campaigner, Maggie Howell founder of Natal Hypnotherapy™, Pan Wilde Independent Midwife and countless others who are in favour of supporting women in their choice to have a normalised birth.

As more women explore their options for natural/normalised birth it is fantastic to think that more women will discover and use hypnotherapy for birth. 100,000's have already used Natal Hypnotherapy™ with fantastic results.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Are Epidurals Dangerous?

Finding out about Epidurals...

The following article is really valuable if you are planning to have an epidural. It looks at:




1. What is an epidural?

Before you have one learn exactly what it is and how it works.

Epidurals are widely used for pain relief in labour and involve an injection of a local anaesthetic into the lower region of the spine close to the nerves that transmit pain. Epidural solutions are given by bolus injection, continuous infusion or using a patient-controlled pump. Lower concentrations of local anaesthetic are needed when they are given together with an opiate, allowing women to maintain the ability to move around during labour and to bear down. Epidural analgesia may sometimes give inadequate analgesia, which may be due to non-uniform spread of local anaesthetic. Combined spinal-epidural involves a single injection of local anaesthetic or opiate into the cerebral spinal fluid for fast onset of pain relief as well as insertion of the epidural catheter for continuing pain relief. – See more at:

2. How Epidurals will medicalise your labour

3. The fact that sometimes it doesn’t work

4. What the side effects to an epidural are...

5. What the benefits to an epidural are...

6. The fact epidurals can be great for very high blood pressure

7. The are risks associated with epidurals

8. Helping Mother Nature with an epidural in place

You can still have an epidural and use Hypnosis during birth.

9. Whether it's right or wrong to plan for an epidural in labour

10. How having an epidural in labour is viewed by you.


If you are considering an epidural it helps to know all the facts. The following article fills in most of the blanks in our knowledge of epidural. 10-things-you-need-to-know-about-epidurals

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Home Birth Lytham St Annes, Wrea Green & Preston

Thinking of Home Birth?

If you are planning a home birth there is further guidance published by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) to 'go for it' - if you are having an uncomplicated pregnancy. Guidelines state that a home birth may be just as safe for low-risk pregnancies.


"Every woman should ultimately have the freedom to choose where she wants to give birth and be supported in her choice."
"We're pleased we are now able to propose more definite advice to help pregnant women choose the best option for them. We now want to hear what others think so that we can ensure the final, updated guidance will promote the safest possible care for women and their babies."

For full article see: Home Birth

Natal Hypnotherapy Classes Fylde, Wyre & Preston

The Natal Hypnotherapy program is supportive of women wherever they choose to birth their babies.

The workshops look at how to create and protect the birthing environment - in the end some women choose to birth at home or in a birth centre (home from home) as this is the most comfortable and safe option with the least intervention and pressure from medical procedure.

If you are planning a home birth - Natal Hypnotherapy will help you to understand the impact of environmental factors as well as the influence the people you meet along the way can have upon your birth experience and outcome.

Natal Hypnotherapy courses are now available in Lytham, St Annes, Wrea Green, Warton, Freckton, Preston & surrounding. For more information please see

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Best Present for your Pregnant Daughter or Daughter-in-law

Calling all Grandma's-to-be

The imminent arrival of your first or subsequent grandchildren is a truly thrilling and exciting time.

It's an opportunity to re-live time with a sweet smelling new born, lively toddler, help with school years and beyond.

You will officially have the right to spoil them rotten and hand them back when you've had enough!

You may be looking around for a perfect present for your pregnant daughter or daughter-in-law.

Some grandparents generously buy the cot or the pram - which is a totally amazing gesture, so what could beat that?

If you have a daughter who is looking to have a normalised birth or favours a more natural approach or perhaps you are the only one that understands your daughters true fears surrounding childbirth.

Natal Hypnotherapy™ could be the answer.

Natal Hypnotherapy™ is perfect for a woman that is looking for a way to experience a less painful child birth without intervention. She can achieve a more comfortable birth by learning to become truly relaxed, less fearful and having faith in her body. Natal Hypnotherapy™ mums are much more comfortable (and confident!) during childbirth. We cannot promise a ‘pain free labour’ but Natal Hypnotherapy™ will teach her how she can work with her body to birth her baby and increase her confidence about labour and pregnancy. It's great for birth partners too.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Dealing with Midwives Blackpool, Preston & Lytham St Annes

Communicating with your Midwife

Today is International Midwives Day. "International Day of the Midwife was first celebrated May 5, 1991, and has since been observed in over 50 nations around the world. The idea of having a day to recognize and honor midwives came out of the 1987 International Confederation of Midwives conference in the Netherlands."

The vast majority of midwives do an absolutely fantastic job, under tiring, stressful and challenging work conditions. Every single women that walks into the maternity room has a different set of needs, expectations and experiences. Midwifery must be very challenging at times!

Many couples overlook the importance of how they are going to communicate with their midwife during birth:

If you are a expectant woman, despite having regular contractions and been caught up in the emotions of birth, the best thing you can do is keep your midwife on side. Remain calm and keep animosity out of the birth room. 

Dads-to-be may suddenly find themselves faced with the reality of their partner coping in labour and may feel powerless to help. This combined with a whole new set of emotions in an unfamiliar setting can send testosterone flying. Not helpful! Or can knock confidence meaning that the birth partner ends up providing very little birth support. Also not helpful!!!

Natal Hypnotherapy™ teaches the tools for women to stay calm during in labour as well as techniques for coping with contractions. It teaches birth partners how they can effectively support the birthing women whilst remaining confident, in control and pleasantly conversant with medical staff.

Wishing for Calmer Mothers, Birth Partners, Babies and Midwives (esp. today)

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Natural Birth and Death

Fear of Death in Childbirth

Death in childbirth was once a common thing.

After all the images we have seen, stories that we have heard, the feeling of fear ingrained throughout the generations - is it so surprising that in the back of our minds some women worry: what if something goes wrong; what if I die?

Nothing in life is guaranteed, and if we thought so deeply about our mortality, we probably wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.

In the year 2014, pregnant women living in Britain are amazingly lucky to be supported by a fantastic support network. High quality antenatal care is available throughout pregnancy. Information & education is easily accessible. Far more women are well-fed and live in much better conditions than their Great-Grandmothers and Great-Grandmothers Mothers. The maternity mortality rate in the UK is low in comparison to other countries around the world.

The following article looks at maternity mortality in Pakistan. In rural Pakistan natural birth is the norm as women simply can't afford to visit a hospital or birthing centre. Concern is expressed about the increase in maternity death. The question is asked "If giving birth is natural, why do so many mothers die?" Women have been giving birth naturally since the dawn of time. Natural birth is nothing new: the root of the problem is down to "A combination of misinformation, malnutrition and poor sanitation (which) stack the odds against pregnant mothers and their newborn babies."

The article continues that "Women deliver babies on hay, often in the filthiest part of the house, beside running sewers and clucking chickens, and using overused kitchen blades in lieu of sanitised medical tools. They are poor and hungry to begin with and often feed others in the family instead of themselves."

Compare this to our very fortunate circumstances.

If you are considering a natural birth, continue reading and make sure your choice stems from knowledge and not from fear.


Friday, 28 March 2014

Do I have a choice about where to have my baby?


 "FROM choosing what to call the baby and how to decorate the nursery, to deciding whether you want a natural birth or not, there are a multitude of decisions to be made during pregnancy. One of the most important choices is where to have your baby - yet many women aren't aware they have options, and automatically assume they'll have a hospital birth. 

Indeed, a third (34 per cent) of mothers questioned in a new survey by the consumer group Which? said they knew nothing or not much about their birth location choices."

Read the full article: 
The Irish News 

A new website has been launched to help Mums-to-be with their decision about where to give birth. If you are in the process of deciding where you will have your baby it is well worth a look.

Understanding Birth Choices 

Also see Home or Hospital Poulton-Le-Fylde

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor or midwife. This is blog for your interest only and does not give medical advice. If you have any concerns with your pregnancy or birth contact your doctor or midwife.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Global Birth Tradition

If you are making preparations for a new arrival you might be interested to read about some of these global birth traditions...

Amy Fleming from the Guardian looks at birth traditions from around the world:

- Finland is the best country for babies
- Modern America didn't invent the Baby
- Bun in the Oven - a global phrase
- Your baby is what you eat
- Giving birth can bring out your inner
- Sumo wrestlers make babies cry for

To read her full article see: 


Monday, 24 March 2014

Baby Shower's Blackpool & Fylde

A Modern Day Ritual

I've heard people say that Baby Showers are just another 'Americanism' and can be expensive affairs.

Perhaps the term 'Baby Shower' is relatively new, but the celebration of pregnancy and new life is an age old concept. The event doesn't need to be an expensive either - more emphasis can be placed on the spiritual side making it a really special women-centred occasion.

This type of Baby Shower is sometimes known as a Blessing Way. At a Blessing Way, there maybe Washing of the Mother-to-Be's Feet, Scrap Books, Belly Painting, Wishes & Prayer for the Baby, Symbolic Candle Lighting and so on... It is also a fantastic opportunity to share positive experience. No scare mongering!

"'Baby shower' as a term is relatively new, but the celebrations and rituals associated with pregnancy and childbirth are both ancient and enduring. Like other rites of passage associated with significant transitional events such as coming of age, marriage, and death, baby showers function as a type of initiation into, and a construction of, a new state of being--in this case, 'motherhood.'"  For more on the history of Birth Celebration throughout the ages see Birth History.

One thing that most ladies love at these celebrations is CAKE, SWEETS and FLOWERS.

Emma Hogarth at Simply Gorgeous Cupcakes, Thornton Cleveleys makes wonderful cupcakes (See picture) for all occasions: Simply Gorgeous Cupcakes.

Caroline Crook at Sweet Sentation Lytham makes Sweet & Chocolate Baby Shower Bouquets: Sweet Sensation Lytham

For true memories that you can treasure forever, why not contact Lisa Holman Photography? She specialises in family photographs & can record the lead up to your birth. A session with Lisa would be a fantastic baby shower gift: How amazing to look back at your growing belly and congratulate yourself on nurturing a little life. Lisa Holman Photography

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Hypnosis & Natural Birth


Hypnosis during childbirth works!

"Living in an era of pre-booked c-sections, virtually from the time of conception, natural birthing researcher, editor and registered midwife, Sandra Spence, is witnessing a global movement to bring back natural birthing with hypnosis."

Spence looks at evidence based studies which support the benefits of self hypnosis during childbirth:

- fewer complications
- a relaxed birthing environment
- shorter labours with less fear and pain
- few or no drugs
- Higher APGAR scores
- an empowering experience and transition to motherhood

Sandra Spence Article

Monday, 10 March 2014

Bonding First - Bathing Later

6 Reasons to delay the Baby's First Bath


The following article looks at six really important reasons to delay the baby's first bath:

1. Babies are born with a natural skin protectant - Vernix offers immunity & moisturises.

2. Baby wants to be near mum - After birth is a special time for bonding, not bathing.

3. Lowered body temperature - Skin-to-skin is the ideal place to regulate a baby's temperature.

4. Keep stress hormones low and blood sugar normal - Give baby time to adjust to the world around her.

5. A bath with mum or dad sounds nice - creating a special moment with the parents instead of medical staff bathing the baby.

6. Handle with gloves - Medical proffessionals will handle your baby with gloves if she hasn't been bathed reducing the risk of infection.

For more information please see the full article:

Friday, 7 March 2014

Antenatal Classes Poulton-le-Fylde - Lytham - Preston - Blackpool

Relaxation Classes

Please give me a call if you want to have a chat about your forthcoming birth...

Netmums Reviews 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

More about Hypnobirth

Hypnobirthing: Generic Term for Birthing using Hypnosis

"HypnoBirthing is not the same as hypnosis performed by actors on stage dangling a pocket watch, telling an audience volunteer to quack like a duck when a bell rings. HypnoBirthing is science that starts with education, teaching relaxation techniques and ongoing practice."


Natal Hypnotherapy: UK Version of Hypnobirthing, Accredited by RCM

Friday, 28 February 2014

Blackpool Victoria Midwife Led Unit

Official Opening

Professor Cathy Warwick Chief Executive of the Royal College of Midwives officially opened the Midwife Led Unit of Blackpool Victoria Hospital on Wednesday 26th February 2014.

Cathy Warwick "It is wonderful to see midwives, staff and managers working together as a team to give first class quality care to women.''

What is a Midwife Led Unit?

 "Midwifery units or birth centres are run by midwives without the medical facilities of a hospital.
They can be next to a main hospital maternity unit (‘alongside’) or completely separate from hospital (‘freestanding’). Because most women can give birth without needing medical interventions, these units can be a good choice. However, if complications arise during your pregnancy or labour you may be advised to change your plan and give birth at an obstetic unit." NCT

The Blackpool Midwife Led Unit runs alongside the Obstetic Unit giving the best of both worlds.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Netmums discuss Natal Hypnotherapy™

Natal Hypnotherapy FAQ

Netmums recently ran a webchat with Maggie Howell, founder of Natal Hypnotherapy. Maggie is a mum of 5 and has helped over 100,000 women have a better pregnancy and birth experience.
If you are interested in the use of hypnosis in childbirth, then her techniques may be of use to you...

Interview with Maggie

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu in Pregnancy & Labour

I must admit, before I met the lovely Hannah Mackay, I had little idea about what Shiatsu actually was.

The first thing that sprang to mind was a small fluffy handbag dog.

So, What is Shiatsu?

"Shiatsu is a physical therapy that supports and strengthens the body’s natural ability to heal and balance itself.

It works on the whole person - not just a physical body, but also a psychological, emotional and spiritual being.

Shiatsu originated in Japan from traditional Chinese medicine, with influences from more recent Western therapies.

Although shiatsu means ‘finger pressure’ in Japanese, in practise a practitioner uses touch, comfortable pressure and manipulative techniques to adjust the body’s physical structure and balance its energy flow.

It is a deeply relaxing experience and regular treatments can alleviate stress and illness and maintain health and well-being." Shiatsu Society.

Shiatsu can be used:

  • Relax and engergise
  • Help connect with your baby
  • Reduce Nausea
  • Reduce Back Pain
  • Help reduce Pelvic Pain (SPD - Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction)
  • Induce labour if you are overdue
  • Decrease pain in childbirth
  • Help with breastfeeding
  • Post-natal: Help release birth trauma

Shiatsu Practitioners can vary in experience and knowledge when it comes to pregnancy and birth, so if you are interested in using shiatsu for pregnancy, birth & postnatal care - check out

Hannah Mackay is one of the leading Pregnancy and Birth Shiatsu Practitioners in the North West. For more information please see: Hannah Mackay - Shiatsu

Friday, 14 February 2014

Lots of Love

What is Oxytocin?

Oxytocin is one of the most important, if not the most important hormones in the birth process. Oxytocin has been dubbed as the hormone of 'love', by Dr Michel Odent. Odent recognises that the hormone is present whenever we have feelings of love, whether it be sex, birth, bonding or breastfeeding.

Low levels of oxytocin during labour can slow or stall the birth process, that's why it's so important for woman to birth in a safe and loving environment.

Today, Valentine's Day there is bound to be tons of oxytocin in the air - if you are soon to give birth it might be worth looking into ways of keeping oxytocin flowing in your birthing space.

For more information see:
Hormones for Birth

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Hypnotherapy Antenatal Childbirth Classes - Preston, Lytham St. Annes, Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde

Natal Hypnotherapy™  Practitioner

I'm pleased to announce that I am now fully licensed to operate and practice as a fully trained and qualified Natal Hypnotherapy™  Practitioner.

I received my official certificate in the post this morning.

Really looking forward to working with local couples to help them let go of their birthing fears and reframe their perspectives on birth. Ultimately supporting them to have a positive birth experience.

Gemma xx

Antenatal Classes - Hypnotherapy for Birth

For more information on Calm & Contented Birth - Natal Hypnotherapy™ Classes see:

Lancashire Area

  • Preston
  • Kirkham
  • Wesham
  • Wrea Green
  • Weeton
  • Warton
  • Singleton
  • Staining
  • Hambleton
  • Blackpool
  • Fleetwood
  • Bispham
  • Thornton
  • Cleveleys
  • Poulton-le-Fylde
  • Lytham
  • St. Annes


Natal Hypnotherapy™ was founded by Maggie Howell in the UK (2000). Natal Hypnotherapy™ has been designed alongside the UK maternity system and is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. It is the UK version of the Mongan Method of Hypnobirthing.

Contact Details

Gemma Webster

Natal Hypnotherapy™ Practitioner
Direct Line: 07729275909
Calm & Contented Website

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Positions for Birth

Go with whatever is Instinctive.

There is evidence to support women should go with their own instincts and adopt a birthing position that is most comfortable for them.

"Women should be encouraged and helped to move and adopt whatever positions they find most comfortable throughout labour (NICE 2007). "

Indeed moving around in labour and birth can help your body work with gravity. Upright positions can:
  • Help the baby find the optimal alignment for birth 
  • Result in less pain
  • Shorter first stage
  • Help a women feel in control of her birth

When you think of a birthing women how is she positioned in your mind's eye?
Usually on her back.

Most media images, television portrayal of birth and so on, show woman birthing on the backs, yet upright positions, kneeling, squatting or the hands and knees position according to evidence are more favourable than laying down.

The following study states that:

"On the whole women will "choose" to do what they think is expected of them and they are usually informed by the most common image of the labouring women as lying down."

Midwives have an important role in helping women to find and choose comfortable positions (Cotton 2010, Walsh 2007). By listening to your body and through the encouragement of your midwife you will find a position that is the most suitable for you.

Positions for Birth

Sunday, 2 February 2014

My Baby is Overdue

Now What? There is no simple answer.

  • The decision is yours.
  • Every women is an individual.
  • Guidelines are not mandatory. Hospital Guidelines
  • Everyone's perception of 'risk' is different.
  • Sign posting women to further information helps to support a women in her decision.
  • Only 4-5% of women give birth on their due date.

"Each individual woman must decide which set of risks she is most willing to take – and be supported in her choice." Rachel Reed - Thinking Midwife

The following links give more information on:

  • Due dates
  • Post Term Pregnancy
  • Medical and Natural Induction






Good Luck with whatever decision you choose & may you be fully supported xx

Gemma Webster

Friday, 31 January 2014

Hospital Policy & Procedure


Absolutely fantastic to meet and listen to Shelia Byrom OBE yesterday. Shelia's talk, 'Who's decision is it anyway?', looked out how the presentation of guidelines can influence decision.

At the end of the day every pregnant women has the right to choose what should happen to her next.

 Shelia talked passionately about the word 'Allowed' - as in what women are allowed and not
 allowed to do. It is a word we would prefer not hear, instead supporting a woman to
    make her own decision.

    Clinical Guidelines are in place to assist clinicans to help patients in making their own
    decisions about appropriate care. Guidelines are never mandatory.

    So, if you are told:

  •  You are not allowed to go beyond your due date.
  •  You are not allowed to have a water birth.
  •  You are not allowed to use the birthing centre or have a home birth. 

    And actually, the same goes for the word 'Must' - as in:

  •  You must be examined.
  •  You must have a c/section.
  •  You must take certain drugs.

   You are perfectly within your right to challenge it, ask questions and ask to be sign posted to
   further information.

   The following document looks in detail at how guidelines, policy and procedure may be
   presented to parents in a more constructive light. To fully respect the individual and empower
   them with the ability to make a decision.

   Guidelines & Policy

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

East Lancashire Maternity Services

Maternity Awards

"East Lancashire maternity services received the award for improving normal birth rates reducing Caesarean section rates and increasing birth choice for mothers. Furthermore, the reconfiguration of services and the development of freestanding and alongside birth centres that have good recruitment and retention rates along with supporting 92 home births added to the services award winning criteria."

National Maternity Service Award

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Hypnosis for Pregnancy Sickness

Pregnancy Sickness

Morning Sickness should be called all-day sickness for some women. Sickness in pregnancy can be so debilitating and can really make a woman feel down. There are a number of remedies that women try such as ginger, peppermint, sickness bands and so on. But have you heard of hypnosis for Pregnancy Sickness?

Did you know that the in a survey of 45 women using the Natal Hypnotherapy™ "Overcome Morning Sickness" CD, 9 put of 10 said that they felt the nausea had reduced and they felt significantly better.

"Almost anything is worth trying to reduce or even rid yourself of pregnancy sickness/nausea. I found this CD helpful because she talks about things that make nausea worse, such as anxiety over food you're eating. I could relate to parts of it so completely that I consciously tried to battle my anxiety when I knew I'd start to suffer, which I felt did help. My pregnancy sickness has definitely got easier to manage since listening to this CD, although it is getting better with time anyway (am now 23+ weeks), but I did notice a change the week I first listened to it." Amazon Reviewer

For more information see:

Overcoming Morning Sickness

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Breastfeeding & Marijuana

Could Breastfed babies really get the 'Munchies'?

It has been found "based on findings of several major scientific studies, that human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana, which are actually extremely vital for proper human development."

Anyone who has breastfed will be familiar with the calming effect of a good feed, and how a full tummy seems to put a baby into a really sleepy & relaxed state, but could this also be the effect of cannabinoids?

This article looks at how cannabinoids in breast milk, stimulates the desire to eat - likening it to the effects of an adult taking marijuana and getting the 'munchies'. It states that breast milk cannabinoids "trigger hunger and promote growth and development".

Breast milk is amazing stuff - science is learning all the time. As far as I know formula milk doesn't contain cannabinoids? If it did, I would personally find it controversial to hear that formula milk manufacturers were adding 'the same cannabinoids found in marijuana'! For me hearing about the importance of naturally occurring breast milk cannabinoids, just reaffirms the power of nurture and highlights just how are amazing we are.

Cannabinoids Breast Milk Article

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Birth Registration Lancashire

Happy New Year!

It's already been a busy and exciting January for many new parents. In all the flurry of becoming a new parent remember that you need to register the birth of your new baby.

You need to contact your local register office within 42 days of birth.

Contact Details for Wyre/Fylde/Blackpool/Preston

Wyre Borough

  Fleetwood Registration Office
  Fleetwood Information Centre, Fleetwood Library, North    
  Albert Street
  FY7 6AJ
  0845 053 0021


 Lytham Registration Office
 Registrar Of Births Deaths and Marriages, 27, Lytham  Library, Clifton Street
 Lytham St. Annes
 FY8 5EP 
 0845 053 0021

 Preston Register Office
 Registrar Of Births Deaths and Marriages, Preston
 PR1 8SE
 0845 053 0021

 For more information on who can register the birth
 & what's involved for Preston, Wyre & Fylde:

 Registering Birth Lancashire


      Registration Service
      Blackpool Council
      Municipal Buildings
      Corporation Street
      FY1 1GB
      01253 477177|

      For more information on who can register the birth & what's involved in Blackpool:

      Registering Births - Blackpool

* All details correct at time of blog.