Thursday, 3 December 2015

Sugar Addiction Blackpool










Sugar Tax  

It's looking as if the UK are going to be following in the footsteps of countries like Mexico that have already imposed a sugar tax in soft drinks. According to the BBC, the Commons’ Health Committee has said there was now ‘compelling evidence’ that a tax would reduce consumption. Increasing pressure is being placed on MP's to increase tax on sugar as well as target marketing and advertising - especially campaigns aimed at kids.

No So Sweet

  • "There has been growing concern about the damaging impact of sugar on health - from the state of people's teeth to type-2 diabetes and obesity
  • Sugar has been dubbed "empty calories" because it has no nutritional benefit
  • Government advisers recommend no more than 5% of daily calories should come from sugar
  • That is about 1oz (25g) - six or seven teaspoons - for an adult of normal weight every day. For children, it is slightly less
  • The limits apply to all sugars added to food, as well as sugar naturally present in syrups and honey
  • To put this in context, a typical can of fizzy drink contains about nine teaspoons of sugar" BBC Online

But it tastes so good

It is believed that human beings crave sugar on a primal level and that in times gone by accessing sugar would have been essential to our survival. The problem is that in the modern world sugar is readily available at every petrol station, supermarket, cafe etc...

It has also been found that in the short term sugar and fat can improve our mood (especially in women). Fuzzy feel-good hormones like serotonin are released into our blood stream giving us a high followed by a low. This low mood leads to the sugar craving and the damaging sugar cycle is in place.

Obviously the long term effects of eating too much fat and sugar lead to health problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes... and now also damaging your wallet!

Hypnotherapy for Sugar Addiction

The good news is hypnotherapy can help you to break the psychological cycle of comfort eating. Working with the subconscious mind: hypnotherapy can help you to find more constructive ways of dealing with the stresses of life.

How many of us were rewarded with chocolate buttons for being a good girl! Hypnotherapy can reprogram this and you can learn that there are other more appropriate ways of rewarding yourself besides reaching for a bar of Dairy Milk!

How many sessions it takes is dependent on the individual. For some people there may be deep rooted reasons as to why you comfort eat and for this client a number of sessions may be required, but for others reaching for the biscuit tin has become a habit - which is possible to resolve in one or two sessions.

Make it your new years resolution to eat less sugar!

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Hypnotherapy Blackpool

Hypnotherapy Blackpool Area


Are you looking for hypnotherapy in the Blackpool Area? I operate between two locations. Poulton-le-Fylde and Lytham St Annes meaning that I am in close proximity to most people on the Fylde Coast.

At Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy I offer treatments primarily for women. All women are unique and there is a vast range of issues that can affect us. The aim of hypnotherapy is to make changes to thoughts, emotions and behavioural patterns. It is possible to treat a wide range of conditions using hypnotic techniques.

Hypnotherapy is commonly used to treat conditions such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Weight Control
  • Confidence & Self Esteem 
  • IBS
  • Smoking Cessation

With 2016 around the corner it may be time for you to take action and make sure you stick to your New Year Resolutions with a little help from Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy. There is no better time to stop smoking, cut back on booze and lose a few pounds.

For full details and more information please see Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy

Best Regards

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Perfect Birth

What does perfect birthing mean to you? 


Each Mother is unique, every birth is unique so it is impossible to generalise about the perfect birth. For some it may be a natural birth, a medicated birth, a water birth, a hospital birth, an active birth, a caesarean birth or a home birth.

A perfect birth would be one where the Mother-to-be has a choice. From the first choices she makes about how…where… and when… she is going to birth her baby - through to point that she is left to get on with motherhood.

Imagine a birth where you truly feel in control. You are confident enough to question the decisions of your midwife. You feel empowered to bring your baby into the world in your way. You remain calm throughout labour regardless of whether the reality of birth meets your expectations.

The phrase ‘knowledge is power’ springs to mind. For those women who want to take control of their own birth experience; knowing about how the birthing body works and the birth process will contribute towards a positive experience. 

A perfect birth would be cherished and remembered with warmth and pride. Birth is one of life’s greatest gifts and for many women one of the most amazing moments of their life. A birth where Mum would look back and say she would do it all again tomorrow.

For more information about Natal Hypnotherapy please see


Monday, 2 November 2015

Hypnosis Blackpool


Word of Mouth

My aim for Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy is to reach women and help them to help themselves. I am 100% dedicated with helping clients overcome the issues and challenges they face in order that they feel better about themselves and have a happier life.

Whether it be hypnotherapy for smoking or hypnotherapy for anxiety - or something else... There are many applications for hypnotherapy. If you are unsure whether hypnosis can help you please give me a call.

Being boastful isn't such a good quality

 but every so often I think you need to blow your own trumpet 


I've had a run of wonderful testimonials for both hypnobirthing and clinical hypnotherapy. I could tell you anything...but it is the word of my clients that speak volumes. 

"Gemma is very relaxed and informal. Easy to talk to and easy to relax around. Explained everything very clearly."

"Gemma is an incredible hypnotherapist! She has such a welcoming personality that you can't help but feel instantly at ease with her. She has a deep understanding of her practices and the human mind, but what sets her apart is her genuine compassion and understanding, and her areas of specialism. If you're considering hypnotherapy then Gemma is your lady!"

 "So welcoming and reassuring. A bit like having hypnotherapy with a friend"

 And a lovely birthing story...

"We just wanted to let you know that we safely delivered our baby daughter on Friday 23rd October at 12.04am! She weighed 6lb 14.5oz. 

"It wasn't the most straight forward scenario as my waters broke on Tuesday morning at about 1.30am. We went to hospital and they sent us home for 24hours as nothing was happening. When we returned 24 hours later, they had no delivery suite available so we were put in a room on the ward to wait for a delivery suite to become available so I could be induced. In the end we were taken down to delivery suite at 3.30pm. They left us on our own for an hour and s half by which time I had started contractions on my own. I managed to just use hypnotherapy to get through everything til I was eventually induced at 10.30pm to speed things up. Then I used hypnotherapy and had gas and air to help. Our daughter was born quickly in the end, arriving an hour and a half after induction! I felt great afterwards, despite having stitches! The midwives and doctors were very impressed that I didn't require any drugs except gas and air. They said they couldn't remember the last person to deliver after induction without drugs. Ended up being a bit of a celebrity as people kept coming in to see us because they'd heard about our amazing birth! 

The midwife came back to tell us it was the most beautiful delivery she had ever been involved in!


She also complimented my husband on what a supportive birth partner he was and said it was very helpful! 
Our baby is a very calm and contented baby into the bargain!

All in all the birth was a fantastic experience, thanks to you and your brilliant natal hypnotherapy course. Thank you very much for all your help, advice and support."

Other peoples experiences of hypnotherapy might just convince you that its time to address an issue that you are facing in your life. Life is too short to be stuck in a rut. So if you think its time to make a change please contact me 

Standard sessions £50* or block book 5 sessions for £200
 *Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation £75

Concessions for under 25's and over 65's

Looking forward to seeing you soon

Gemma Webster x



Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Colouring for Adults


Colour Away your Stresses

Believe it or not colouring-in is taking the world by storm. No-longer just for kids...Adults have taken to this past time with great enthusiasm. It is reported that 6 of the top 20 best selling books on are colouring books for grown ups! My favourite is Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom - A Colouring Book Adventure.

Switch Off

If you have ever given it a go, you will know that it is immensely rewarding. So many of us find it difficult to switch of and do 'nothing'. Colouring is proving to be an enjoyable past time across the UK - de-stressing and allowing us to find a simple creative outlet. Not all colouring books are just for colouring in - some of them include a doodling section which allows the colourer to freely express their creativity.

The concept is so simply that a colouring book and pencils (or fine point pens - which seem to be popular) can be taken anywhere - no mess - no fuss - and easy to pick up where you left off last time. I sound like I am selling! But I am truly a colouring in advocate.

Psychological Benefits of Colouring In

Clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis says "There is a long history of people colouring for mental health reasons," Michaelis says. "Carl Jung used to try to get his patients to colour in mandalas at the turn of the last century, as a way of getting people to focus and to allow the subconscious to let go. Now we know it has a lot of other stress-busting qualities as well."

Colouring and Mindfulness

So not only is colouring in fun! But it has relaxation and health benefits. Colouring in has been compared to mind meditation. Mindfulness is certainly a buzz word and there are many studies looking at the benefits of mind meditation. For many though - focused attention in a busy world is something difficult to achieve without practise. Focusing your attention through colouring in is a simple process - and even if your concentration is momentarily broken, it is easy to return your attention to the task in hand. You are in essence returning your attention to the moment aka mindfulness.

Colouring Benefits

Less Stress - Less Anxiety

"Numerous studies have put France among the world’s top consumers of antidepressants, and with the colouring book craze publishers may have hit on a way to fight stress and depression that avoids the side effects of popping pills"

Pen or Pencil?

In June last year it was reported in the telegraph that the colouring trend was sweeping France - predominantly popular with french women.

"Women - publishers say the vast majority of adult colourers are female - have formed groups on Facebook and other social media where they proudly post their work and share tips on new books or where to buy the best crayons. Cynthia Riviere, who administers a Facebook group of more than 1,000 colouring book fans, says she spends at least an hour a day filling in the gaps with coloured pencils."

My personal favourites are these fine point Colouring Pens.

I hope you have been inspired!

Gemma x


Friday, 18 September 2015

Natal Hypnotherapy™ Preston

Hypnobirthing Preston

Enjoy awarding winning Natal Hypnotherapy™ sessions at Bartle Hall

2 x Day Sessions 10am - 2pm (Available Tuesday and Wednesday)

Relax in the warmth & elegance of Bartle Hall. Set in 16 acres of gardens and woodland, Bartle Hall is renowned as one of the Northwest’s premiere luxury venues. Natal Hypnotherapy™ sessions held in the Windsor Suite. Price includes Tea & Chef's Homemade Treats.

You will immediately feel 'away from it all' in this tranquil environment!

Take extra time to reflect on your Natal Hypnotherapy™ experience by enjoying Afternoon Tea at 2pm.

For full details please see Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Does Hypnobirthing work?

Does hypnosis mean I will have a calm birth?

Hypnotherapy is becoming main stream. If you are pregnant, hypnobirthing might be an option that you are considering... But will Natal Hypnotherapy meet your expectations?

At Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy the first thing I do is find out more about you and your expectations - this is even before you have enrolled on the course.

I am happy to chat at length about your ideas and expectations of birth. Many women have lots of questions before they commit to hypnobirthing.


Nothing in life is certain. If I had a magic wand - I would say 'Yes! Hypnobirthing will work for you and you will have the beautiful experience that you are hoping for'. Unfortunately, Clinical Hypnotherapy doesn't cover the same material as the magic circle does and I don't own a magic wand.

As a realist, I know that life is unpredictable and it is impossible to make guarantees. I also know that there are measures that can be taken to ensure that life runs as smoothly as possible. 

For example:
  • If you want a healthy heart - you could stop smoking
  • If you want to lose weight - you could eat healthier food or exercise
  • If you want a positive birth - you could take effective birth preparation classes

Positive Outcome

Every women has a different style of birthing, each birth is unique. Natal Hypnotherapy teaches techniques that transcend the birth outcome. That is: Natal Hypnotherapy can be used no matter how your birth unfolds. You may be planning a natural birth, but for unforeseen reasons, you may require medical intervention. Natal Hypnotherapyhelps to reframe your perspective for a positive and calm experience regardless of the outcome.

The peace of mind which Natal Hypnotherapy can bring to women before birth is worth its 'weight in gold'. Pregnant ladies all over the world are learning to trust their primal instincts and trust their own bodies to do what women have done since the dawn of time. Some women can feel acute anxiety during pregnancy. Regular practice of hypnosis can help both Mum and Dad-to-be to feel so much more confident, relaxed and in control. So months before your labour and birth, it is entirely possible to feel stress-free and enjoy your pregnancy.

Natal Hypnotherapy™ workshops are accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and the workshops are run in several NHS trusts. In addition Natal Hypnotherapy™ is the preferred method of hypnosis for birth by birth professionals, being recommended by over 3000 birth professionals.


If  you are pregnant and considering hypnobirthing: for further information please call Gemma Webster at Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy 07729275909.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sceptical Birth Partner? Listen to Paul's Opinion of Natal Hypnotherapy...


What do you expect from Natal Hypnotherapy?  

If your birth partner is Sceptical - Expects to lose Control - Thinks its is Cult-like - Thinks he will cluck like a chicken - Expects Tamborines 

Check out Paul - A Dad discussing his Natal Hypnotherapy experience.

"Positive - Uplifting - In Control - Memorable and Wholeheartedly Recommended!"

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Hypnobirthing is AMAZING!!!




Hypnobirthing on One Born Every Minute




Last night on Channel 4, One Born Every Minute gave Mums-to-be the chance to see how is it completely possible to have a calm and relaxing birth. I must admit One Born isn't my regular viewing, as I believe it fuels fear and reaffirms to women that the should be birthing on their back (This is not the case!).

An active birth can really help women have a quicker labour - if you think about it logically, you are working with gravity as opposed to 'pushing up hill' when on your back. Nadine demonstrated beautifully 'how it should be done' using Natal Hypnotherapy™ techniques. She used the birth ball demonstrating how gravity can help the baby gain an optimum position.

Unfortunately due to editing, not all of the techniques were shown on last nights program, but Nadine's birth was undeniably magical and empowering. Certainly when contrasted to other adrenaline fuelled births in the series. It would have been nice to see 321 relax in action, birth music and so on...

Birth Partner

Last nights episode of One Born focused on the importance of the birth partner. The people that a birthing women meets along the way is integral to her state of mind. Positive support can make all the difference. It was evident that all the birth partners on the show were very loving, but as one midwife stated it is difficult for a birth partner to know how he fits in...

Natal Hypnotherapy™ birth preparation dedicates an entire section to helping the Dad-to-be understand how he can be actively involved in birth and in essence - be useful! Nadine had a calm and peaceful water birth. Paul, her partner chose to get into the pool. That is personal choice - Natal Hypnotherapy™ never prescribes what should or shouldn't be done or, what you are or are not allowed to do. The course is focused around empowering the couple to have a positive experience and deal with labour and birth - no matter how it unfolds.

I hope that for any pregnant women that were viewing - that they are inspired to find out more about hypnobirthing. 

Calm & Contented Birthing

It is completely possible to have a positive birth experience. It is such a shame that in today's culture there is the expectation that birth is going to be a scary and horrendous ordeal. Birth is such a precious thing and in my personal opinion (and the 100,000's of women who have used Natal Hypnotherapy™) it can be a wonderful, bonding and empowering event for both Mum and Dad. Even the midwifery staff on the unit were effected by the magic of Natal Hypnotherapy™ - some almost baffled by Nadine's approach and the depth of her relaxed state and in tears at the beauty of the moment.

If you live in Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde or Preston Areas please click here for more information on Natal Hypnotherapy Workshops

Wishing you a Calm & Contented Birth Experience

Gemma x

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Unique Gift Ideas - Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde


Hypnotherapy - the Mental Massage

The Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy Voucher is the perfect gift for any occasion.

  • Congratulations
  • Leaving Work
  • Retirement
  • Thank You
  • Sorry!
  • New Baby
  • Happy Birthday
  • Mother's Day
  • Valentine's Day 
  • Christmas
  • Newly Single or Divorce 


Or just because your loved one could do with some well earned Rest and Relaxation

In this day and age, many people have EVERYTHING!

Hypnotherapy vouchers are a unique and thoughtful present

You may not be comfortable offering gift vouchers for PMS, IBS, Weight Loss or Anxiety! After all you don't want to cause offence :) The fact is, you don't have to have an issue to enjoy hypnotherapy. The recipient is free to choose how they use the hypnotherapy session.

Many people enjoy the benefits of hypnosis purely for relaxation


Hypnotherapy is an excellent antedote to stress, so why not treat someone in your life to the gift of time out. Hypnotherapy is like a mental massage! Techniques such as metaphor and visualisation can really help clients to wind down and switch off and take a well earned break from their daily routine. Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy strives to guide every client towards balance and offers support with changes and lifestyle choices.

You may know someone who is thinking about hypnotherapy - but who always puts themselves last on their own 'to do' list. Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy Gift Vouchers would be a wonderful surprise...

Hypnotherapy is an alternative to massages, pedicures and facials - physical treatments are always blissfully relaxing, but why not treat the mind and emotions to a little TLC?

  • All sessions are held in cosy and comfortable treatment rooms
  • Based on Fylde Coast
  • Gift Vouchers are available in denominations of £10
  • £50 per treatment session lasting around 60 minutes
  • Vouchers sent out in first class mail - Postage FOC
To order please call Gemma Webster: 07729275909 or email:

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Hypnotherapy and Infertility



 Can hypnotherapy get you pregnant?

Hypnotherapy can help with many things. It can't get you pregnant, but hypnotherapy can really help with letting go of any unwanted thought patterns that are holding you back.

Old Beliefs

Many girls have spent years trying not to get pregnant, telling themselves 'It's not the right time' or 'They will be in trouble', so by the time they decide to conceive their mind is already in a muddle.

The Subconscious

The subconscious holds on to everything we learn and doesn't have a concept of time. So if you learnt at 15 years old that you shouldn't get pregnant, the subconscious mind may still be holding on to these thoughts.  25 years later and your subconscious will remember this thought as if it were yesterday. Hypnotherapy can help re-program old beliefs and thought patterns.

You need to relax - ha!

How many times do you hear people say, 'Just relax and it will happen'. Easy to say. Each month that goes by creates more stress and more worry. You are already in a stressful cycle. The demands on modern life mean that time out is a rarity and stress is prevalent in many peoples lives.

Like anything in life there is no guarantee of success,
but it might be worth a try before going down more medicalised routes?

Read Leah Elliotts (Age 40)  Full story "After enduring the pain of going through five miscarriages and feeling like they would never have their own child, Leah decided that it was time to start saving up their money for IVF. But one day, Leah happened to stumble across a magazine article about hypnotherapy that changed everything."

Hypnotherapy can really help you to relax, help with wellbeing and lifestyle choices and put you in the best frame of mind to become pregnant. For more information see

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Proud to be a 'Natal Hypnotherapy Mum'

I am so proud to be a Natal Hypnotherapy™ Mum for many reasons. 

Countless Natal Hypnotherapy™ Mums will understand exactly what I mean when I say that Natal Hypnotherapy™ truly gave me the confidence to birth in a way that was completely and instinctively right for me. 

It is plain speaking - there is nothing complicated about this natural process. Natal Hypnotherapy™ simply gave me the tools and techniques to have a calm pregnancy and empowering birth.

Giving birth is such a major life event and birth preparation is invaluable:
  • The importance of relaxation can not be under-estimated
  • Understanding the impact of the birth environment
  • Remaining active
  • Ensuring the birth space is protected from those who say what is and isn't 'allowed'
  • Receiving practical support from your birth partner
  • Understanding of the emotional side of birth 
  • By taking control, but also relinquishing control

I am proud to have birthed my way. There was no prescriptive do's and don't or must's and must not's. 

I am lucky that I really did have amazing support and a fantastic birth experience. No-one can tell you exactly what birth will be like for you: as each women is different. Even for the same woman, no two experiences are ever exactly the same and as a practitioner I am always careful about managing expectations.

When you experience birth for yourself, you will recognise that Natal Hypnotherapy™ is excellent in it's approach to antenatal care.

 Everyone births in their own unique way

Nothing in life is certain, but no matter how birth unfolds, Natal Hypnotherapy™ instills a perspective for confidence and calmness at every turn. Indeed, many couples comment how Natal Hypnotherapy™ teaches skills for life - I wonder how many Mums and Dads are out there still using '321 relax' to cope with toddler tantrums long after their baby's birth day...

I truly enjoy supporting new parents-to-be by providing a first rate antenatal programme and delight in hearing baby news and positive birth stories.

As you can probably see: not only am I a proud Natal Hypnotherapy Mum, but I am also very proud to be a Natal Hypnotherapy Practitioner.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Stop Smoking - Hypnotherapy

Do you truly want to give up smoking?

If you see me for smoking cessation I will not guarantee 100% success.

What I can guarantee, is that I have all of the hypnotic skills to help you. You will leave my room as a non smoker - But what truly matters is your desire to change. In fact, one of the first questions I will ask you is:

Do you truly want to stop for you?

In all honesty, if you are stopping because that is what someone else wants for you - then you are probably wasting your time and money!

What to expect in a smoking cessation session? 


I always take the time to get a thorough and full understanding of your situation. The more honest and open you can be with me, the more I am able to help you. (That goes for all therapy - not just stopping smoking).

I will not judge you! 


Many clients approach me for therapy as a last resort. They have tried reduction, patches and other medication. Some clients have stopped for a while only to return to cigarettes. Generally speaking, most people are feeling some level of guilt about the damage they doing to themselves and family. Many have issues with concealment. Others feel that smoking is their way of relaxing and taking time out for themselves.

Wherever you are coming from, you can be assured that you will not receive a 'lecture' on the damaging affects of smoking. I am not a doctor and the vast majority of people are fully aware of the health risks involved with smoking. I do focus on the benefits of stopping smoking. Our bodies are designed for self repair and it is useful to focus on the health benefits of smoking cessation as well as your personal motivators.

"What happens when you quit smoking...
  • At approximately the 8-12 hour mark, the carbon monoxide level in your blood will decrease to normal and your blood oxygen level will increase to normal.
  • At 24 hours the chance of you having a heart attack decreases significantly.
  • At about 48 hours, nerve endings begin to regrow and your ability to smell and taste is enhanced.
  • Between 2 weeks and 3 months, your circulation improves, walking becomes easier, and coughing and wheezing is experienced less often. Phlegm production decreases and at about the 3 month mark, lung function is significantly improved.
  • Between 1 and 9 months, you will experience all of the benefits already listed  in addition to less sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Cilia, tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs, also regain normal function.
  • In 1 year, your risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks is reduced by half of what it used to be when you were a smoker.
  • Between 5 and 15 years, the risk of having a stroke returns to normal, before you started smoking.
  • At about the 10 year mark, your chance of developing various cancers including cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas, greatly decreases. Risk of lung cancer reverts to that of a non-smoker. In fact, Diet and smoking habits make up nearly 60 percent of cancer cases.
  • In about 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack shifts to that of a person who has never smoked before. The risk of death also drops nearly to the level of a non-smoker.
Even with the exclusion of the incredible amount of money you would save from quitting as well as the negative influence being omitting from society, the above benefits of quitting are more than convincing. So what happens when you quit smoking? Your health once again returns." Source: What happens when you quit smoking - the immediate and long term benefits...

Whether you smoke 60 a-day or 1 every so often. I really doesn't matter to me. My aim is for you to stop. For good. So whatever your reasons for wanting to stop smoking, I can give you all the tools to quit. It is your choice to invest in hypnotherapy, leave me as a non-smoker and to maintain the change.

For more information on smoking cessation sessions please see Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Gemma Webster

Monday, 18 May 2015

Pain Management for Arthritis Poulton-le-Fylde, Lytham, St Annes & Blackpool

Hypnotherapy for Arthritis

Hypnotherapy can help provide a gentle relief to arthritis. "Studies show that over 75 percent of people with arthritis and related diseases experience significant pain relief using hypnosis." Arthritis Foundation

During a hypnotherapy session you will experience a deep level of relaxation.

The session will be highly tailored to your specific circumstances in order that you gain the most out of the treatment. As arthritis is an ongoing condition it is impossible to say how many sessions would be beneficial for you, but the ultimate aim at Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy is to incorporate pain management techniques, visualisation, and self hypnosis, in order that the client becomes empowered to control their symptoms of arthritis outside of the therapy room.

Mr Bennett of Bangor University said "By employing these techniques they (the patients) were taught, they were able to self-treat when necessary, allowing them to control their pain and enabling them to get on with enjoying life." Arthritis-pain-eased-by-hypnotism

You may be sceptical, but believe it or not most people really enjoy the experience of hypnosis. Remember this is hypnotherapy, not stage hypnotism. So there will be no swinging watches, sucking lemons or quacking like a duck!

Often we are prescribed with medication to relieve aches and pains and for some people this works fine, but for others it just causes a whole new set of problems. It is always recommended that changes to medication are in line with the advice of your GP.

Well known television doctor, Dr Hilary Jones says, "Arthritis is a massive burden for the estimated 10 million people in the UK with the disease and many face constant pain.  Knowing more about the condition is a great first step in the right direction for many people in managing their life with arthritis, and that's why it is so important to have an authoritative but personal source of information like Arthritis Care's helplines." 


Click here for more information on Arthritis Care and see for yourself what they say about hypnosis.

You may already be a client at Susan Walker Physiotherapy in which case you will be familiar with the professional and relaxing surroundings. Hypnotherapy sessions are currently available on most Mondays between 9.30pm and 2.30pm pre-booking is essential.

Joint inflammation, pain, fatigue and reduced mobility can affect anyone. Hypnotherapy could really help you. For more details see Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy or please feel free to call me for an informal chat.

Gemma Webster

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Hypnotherapy for Addiction

Hypnosis cures 'Red Bull' addiction

Hypnotherapy can have such an impact on your subconscious mind. If you have a true desire to make a change in your life, but feel like one part of you is holding you back. Hypnotherapy can really help. Read this story about how hypnosis helped mother Sarah Weatherill quit her 24 can aday Red Bull habit!

 "And after seeing hypnotherapist earlier this month, she claims she has been cured of her addiction thanks to just one 50-minute session"

Hypnotherapy could really help you with smoking addiction, chocolate addiction as well as many other issues.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety







Do you have feelings of nervousness, fear, continuous worries? If so, you may be suffering from anxiety. 


Some degree of anxiety is healthy.

It keeps us on our toes, it keeps us safe and prevents us from taking risks, but for some people anxiety is so much more than this.

Isn't is normal for most people to become anxious before meeting new people? Doing a presentation? Or having a job interview? Well to a certain extent yes. A shot of adrenaline to ensure that we perform at our best and don't become complacent. Anxiety extends beyond this, for some feelings of nervousness and worry can have a huge impact on their day to day life.

You may find yourself avoiding situations or people that make you anxious, you may have a continous stream of negative self talk that drives you to distraction and prevents you from enjoying the moment, you may even have morbid thoughts which are really scary to you.

And what about physical sysmptoms, insomnia, sweating, diarrhoea or changes in appetite?

Hypnotherapy can really help to give you confidence in dealing with stressful situations such as driving tests or exams - help for situations where you would expect to be anxious - and for many people this is exactly what they need.

Many people without anxiety don't realise these worries can be on going - not just exam nerves or slight concern for the future. For anxiety sufferers, these feelings dominate and can be there much of the time. Anxiety can really affect wellbeing, health, employment, relationships - it can impact on all aspects of life.

Hypnotherapy can really help you to understand why anxiety is there and to help you become much more calm in thought and feeling as well as physically at ease. The hypnotic trance alone will help to support your para-sympathetic nervous system by relaxing deeply and learning autonomic breathing techniques.

If you are feeling anxious, the first place you may turn is to your GP. I would always, always recommend seeing your GP whenever you have health concerns. It is the unfortunate that anxiety can not be 'cured' in a 10 minute appointment - though your GP may diagnose it and signpost you in the direction of further help.

The hypnotherapist is there to facilate change, but all changes come from within. Hypnotherapy sessions will give you the time to explore your anxiety in a safe environment and will help you to reframe your fears and put thoughts into perspective. No credible therapist would ever guarantee results, but hypnotherapy can be very successful if you are motivated and have a true desire to change.

For more details see No more anxiety

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Hypnosis Helped Me Sleep

Hypnotherapy for a Better Nights Sleep

"I had two sessions with Gemma and feel much calmer. I have a 7 month old baby who likes to wake at least 3 times a night for a feed. After feeding I would be laid in bed writing to do lists in my head worrying about all the things I think I should be doing. After seeing Gemma I drop back to sleep with ease and am not putting as much pressure on myself. As a result feel calmer and happier." KH

A good nights sleep is critical for our wellbeing and for most of us not getting enough sleep can have a massive impact on our mood and emotions. The following article looks at how hypnosis helped one women to sleep

"Sleep relaxation techniques

Another relaxation aid was the "favourite place" exercise, which was also based on Suzie's personal experiences.

"I'm lying in a hammock in my parents' garden," she says. "I'm reading a book or sleeping. It's sunny and really peaceful.

"To reach my favourite place, I walk down some steps and feel the warm stones under my bare feet. I get in the hammock and feel the book. A cat wanders over with its tail in the air. Then a dog comes to rest near me."

Dr Walters says it's important to suggest details, such as touch, and "actually feel" the comfort of the hammock.

She also worked on changing Suzie's attitude to sleep. "Suzie saw her anxiety as a permanent thing," she says. "That contributed to her problem."

Suzie thought that she could only fall asleep in complete silence, but she lived in a shared household, so this belief raised her anxiety.

In one relaxation technique, you imagine that you're breathing through your feet. You feel the breath move slowly up the body, down the arms and out of the hands.

"Hypnosis provided me with answers," Suzie says. "But it's not an overnight solution. I've learnt techniques, and it's up to me to keep working on them."

If you are having issues with insomia or interupted sleep and are interested in learning more about hypnotherapy - please contact Gemma Webster


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Hypnotherapy MP3 's

Hypnotherapy at Home

Hypnotherapy Sessions with a practitioner are amazing and completely tailored to your individual requirements. There is nothing like face to face contact and in addition to the actual hypnosis session you will learn so much about pregnancy and birth. In a one-to-one setting many couples really benefit from the bonding experience of learning Natal Hypnotherapy™ together. 

One-to-one tailored Natal Hypnotherapy™ courses are available from £225. For more details see Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy

We recognise that not everyone can afford this price at a time when money is stretched. If you live on the Fylde Coast you may consider attending Hypnotherapy Sessions with a Friend to split the cost. £50 per session (£25 each). For more details email Gemma Webster .

Alternatively, Calm & Contented Hypnotherapy are now selling the following range of MP3's making Natal Hypnotherapy™ accessible to all.  £10 each

  • Birth Preparation Hospital & Home Birth
  • The Labour Companion
  • Fast Postnatal Recovery
  • Breastfeeding Companion
  • Turning Baby
  • Overcoming Morning Sickness
  • The IVF Companion
  • Preparing to Concieve
  • Pregnancy Relaxation
  • Letting Go of Fears

A small price to pay for the relaxation that you will recieve

Monday, 23 March 2015

I'm too old to change!

Use it or Lose it - You are never too old to change, but staying physically active will give you the best chance.

The brain is continually changes - Old dogs can learn new tricks.

No matter how long an issue or behaviour has being with you, you always, always have the potential for change. Much of the success of hypnotherapy is dependent on a persons overall motivation to change. For example you might quite the idea of wearing skinny jeans, but is that enough for you to stop over eating, as opposed to the motivation that your doctor has told you that if you don't shift the pounds you will become seriously ill.

Some people just believe they can't change or they are too old to change. The following article looks at just how changable the mind is, and by keeping it active and healthy we can improve our lives.

"The mainstream view in neuroscience and medicine today is that the living brain is actually “neuroplastic”—meaning that its “circuits” are constantly changing in response to what we actually do out in the world. As we think, perceive, form memories or learn new skills, the connections between brain cells also change and strengthen. Far from being hard-wired, the brain has circuits that very rapidly form, unform and reform."

What does this actually mean? Well, use it or lose it. The more mentally and phyically active we are in the approach to middle age the better. Staying active has been proven to keep you active.

Time to dig out the suduko or that book you have been meaning to read!

Doctors at Cardiff University have "found that men who consistently did a few activities, reduced their risk for cognitive decline and dementia by a staggering 60%. These activities included eating a healthy diet; maintaining a normal weight, with a body-mass index from 18 to under 25; limiting alcohol to about a glass of wine a day; and not smoking" and significantly partaking in regular phyiscal exercise. So by 'using it' physically, it looks as though the mind also remains active and changing.

I believe that Hypnotherapy can be benefical to most people - irrespective of age. Clinical evidence is now showing that for those middle aged individuals who are active - that their minds are particularly changeable - so if you are over 50 and previously considered that hypnotherapy would never work for you, but you are physically and mentally active - all it may take is an open mind and a little motivation...


Monday, 16 March 2015

Pregnancy Retreats in the Cotswolds

Hypnobirthing Cotswolds

"After morning sickness, heartburn, swollen ankles and sleepless nights, what pregnant women doesn't deserve a bit of TLC before finally giving birth?"

The fantastic Eliza Guerrini and her doula Mother-in-Law have set up a nurturing retreat fro expecting Mums. "Holding their retreats in a variety of beautiful Cotswold venues, where mothers can relax in gorgeous surroundings while taking part in workshops or pampering treatments, all designed to de-stress and relax." Including award winning Natal Hypnotherapy™.

The pregnancy retreats are where it all began for Retreat-Yourself.  On this retreat you will have time to access pregnancy support, take stock of the changes happening to you and appreciate how your growing baby is already re-shaping aspects of your life. 

The stunning surroundings and impeccable house, decorated beautifully and calmly, compliment the essence of this retreat and you will leave feeling relaxed and restored.  The two-night stay has an emphasis on practical and emotional support, encouragement and positive preparation for birth. The break includes delicious, freshly-prepared food, informative and inspiring workshops, taster sessions of natal hypnotherapy, a pregnancy yoga class and optional pregnancy-friendly treatments, as well as the chance to bond with other pregnant women.

For more information see: Retreat Yourself

Natal Hypnotherapy™ Cotswolds

Natal Hypnotherapy™ is becoming more and more assessable to more couples. It's not just for the rich and famous! More and more women are learning about the benefits of relaxation during pregnancy.

Learn more about your local classes or order your Natal Hypnotherapy book and CD today

Natal Hypnotherapy